After 6 years of serving in the Young Womens program at church, I was released on Sunday and put in the primary presidency. Being released from a calling is always a weird experience for me and this one was no different. I was out of town on Sunday, so I didn't get to spend my "last sunday" with my girls. They wouldn't have know any different anyway because our Sacrament meeting is last, but it still seems so harsh to be pulled out of something you've been apart of for many years and not even have a chance to say goodbye.
It's crazy. You know these girls so well. You spend hours on end with them, share spiritual experiences with them, see them laugh, cry, grow and dream. You are with them on Sundays, on Wednesday nights, at girls camp, youth conference, and other major events in their lives. You see them grow, you see some fall and you cheer them on the whole time. You love them, pray for them, worry about them and cry for them, laugh with them.. and then... you are gone. No goodbye, No time for that one last bit of counsel you want so desperatly for them to hear. It's over in a matter of moments when you are released. I understand this is part of the gospel and serving in it, but it doesn't make it easier. What do the girls think? Do they understand? Will they continue to know how much I will still care for them? Did I do anything in their lives that made a difference? You give your soul to a calling and just pray you did what you needed to do.
I am now going to be serving in the primary. It will be another growing experience for me and I am excited to learn from this calling. I am sure when the time comes to be released from from there, I will feel the same way as I do now.
But at this moment, my heart is with my beautiful young women. They have taught me so much. They have humbled me, have inspired me, encouraged me to be a better example. They have been my babysitters, my children's favorite friends, my excuse to stay young. These girls are spiritual giants who have so much to offer to the world. They are girls who I hope and pray my daughter will be like when she is older. I love you all and will miss you terribly.
So for all the young women I have had the opportunity to serve with the last 6 years... from my sweet beehives in my ward right now to those of you who are driving and going to college and even those of you now married and having babies.. I love you. I will not forget you and most of all... THANK YOU for bringing so much joy into my life as I've served as your young women leader.
Since I don't get to share my last bit of counsel with you... if I could, this is what I'd say:
Remember Always the beautiful daughter of God you are. Remember the power you have to set examples and change the world. Don't be afraid to set your standards high.. and rise above the temptations that will be put in your path. Stay beautiful by keeping your sprit strong and your dreams within reach. Rise above your expectations of yourself and strive for greatness. Don't get discouraged, but if you do... pray and know that there will always be someone praying for you as well. Love the lord, Love your parents, respect them. Know your leaders are doing their best to be there for you. Talk to them, lean on them if you need a friend.
Study the scriptures. Find characters in them that you can relate to and live according to their examples. There are powerful women in the scriptures that can be guides in your life on how to live. Learn about them, Figure out ways to apply their lives with yours. Complete your personal progress because it will be a GREAT tool for you in your life as you experience marriage, children, careers, missions, and all the other things your lives will be blessed with.
You WILL go places. You have nothing to fear when the Lord is with you. Change the world and be proud doing it.
Last, but not least I want to tell you this... Be strong, Live Life to the fullest, Have Fun and Love the Lord.