I am very lucky to have three great fathers in my life. The first of course is my own dad. He is the greatest man. Most of my memories in life stem from something he has taught me. I truly believe that most of who I am is because of him. I wish I had all his qualities, but I hope to gain a few of them. If there were ever a more Christlike, service oriented, kind, generous, humble man... it would be my dad. He never complains, never talks about himself, never puts others down. He makes everyone around him feel loved and important. I love you so much dad. Thank you for being there for me, for teaching me kindness, service, and to have fun. Now that summer is finally headed our way, I'm so excited to spend most Saturdays on the boat with you. That is what family time is all about for me. I'm so glad we've been able to share that for so many years. I love you!!
I'm also lucky to have a great father in law. Brian's dad set such a good example for Brian to always find time to enjoy life and nature. He makes sure that he spends time with his sons even in adulthood. I know that Brian is the type of father he is because of the way he was raised as a child. John is kind, loving, and is there when you need him. I am so blessed to be in your family. Happy Fathers Day!!
And last but surely not least... my own husband. Wow... I tear up thinking about how blessed I am to have you as my partner, best friend and father to our kids. You too remind me that life is to be enjoyed as much as it is to "get things done". You are so patient and giving of your time. I am amazed at the amount of time you spend with our kids and enjoy doing so. They look up to you as their hero... and in my eyes.. you are their hero and mine. Thank you for becoming the man you are today. Thank you for your love for me, and Thank you for being the dad you are to our kids. I love you so much.