It's a little hard to decide who fits better in this swing... Avery- way to big, but Brighton? he fell over the other day and I found him at the base of the swing. I guess he's a little too small. Pretty cute all the same.
Avery has reverted back to a baby and she thinks she's pretty funny!!
She never took a pacifier while she was little, but now she walks around with one in her mouth and giggles. She also loves to sit in Brighton's swing. If she wasn't so darn cute, I would have to get mad at her, but I just can't bring myself to tell her she's too big to sit in it.
This is her newest look. Every time you tell her no to something, or if she's disgusted for some reason she glares at us like this. It makes me laugh everytime! It's like she's trying to prove that she's tough... but just can't quite pull it off.
All I can say is that two year olds always keep you entertained.