In answer to that question, I would have to say.. on a taste stand point... Ya... just about EVERYTHING! I'm not a terrible fan of either of those summer staples. But if you look at those food items as an excuse to sieze the moment and spend time with your family... ya just can't beat the taste.
Brian was off yesterday and we decided to ditch our everyday lives and take the kids up to the mountains for dinner. This is about our favorite place to be in the summer. We are mountain people. We try and take any opportunity to get up there and yesterday just happened to work out for us. We stopped and got some dogs and the ever popular treat involving chocolate, graham crackers and a toasted marshmallow. The next 2 hours were pure bliss. Avery and Kaden excited to go "rock climbing" on the boulders near our table, Brighton kicking his feet because he was so happy to be outside, Brian building a fire and taking the kids to find "caves" and me being the family photographer trying to capture the moment as I think about how great life is. These precious "adventures" are what life is all about for me. Life shouldn't be about filling up our lives second by second with places to go, things to do... we need to take time to just stop and enjoy the moment. So next time you feel stressed... get in your car, head east and roast a hot dog, a marshmallow and enjoy watching your kids love life. They can teach you alot if you just sit back and watch.