Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Another relaxing Sunday. Well, once 2:00 hit. The morning is a bit crazy trying to get myself and 4 kids ready and out the door by 8:30 (it's still not happening). But then the chaos is over and we have the rest of the day to be together.
We spent it playing games, making cookies, coloring pictures, writing Thank you notes, had FHE and everyone even pitched in to help get the house clean. With half the kids asleep and the others playing quietly upstairs, I got a little quiet time just with little ol me. It was wonderful.
We spent it playing games, making cookies, coloring pictures, writing Thank you notes, had FHE and everyone even pitched in to help get the house clean. With half the kids asleep and the others playing quietly upstairs, I got a little quiet time just with little ol me. It was wonderful.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I love my two little dancing princesses....
Yes... that is Brighton in the Snow White costume.
At least he's got his trains.
Yes... that is Brighton in the Snow White costume.
At least he's got his trains.
Friday, February 25, 2011
My kids are hanging out with grandma and grandpa Sohm tonight for their infamous "Cousins Camp". This is something my parents do every 3 months.....
I literally got yelled at from the kids to leave because I was taking too long.
10 Grandkids under the age of 8 sleeping over at Grandma's
Grandpa sleeping on the couch downstairs with all the kids
Movies. Popcorn. Crafts. Pizza. Pancakes in the morning... and some of the greatest memories they will have of their childhoods.
(all this with my mom still recovering from a foot surgery just two days ago!)
She's Super Grandma.
I literally got yelled at from the kids to leave because I was taking too long.
10 Grandkids under the age of 8 sleeping over at Grandma's
Grandpa sleeping on the couch downstairs with all the kids
Movies. Popcorn. Crafts. Pizza. Pancakes in the morning... and some of the greatest memories they will have of their childhoods.
(all this with my mom still recovering from a foot surgery just two days ago!)
She's Super Grandma.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I'm not one of these moms who keeps every paper and picture that comes home from school, but this one was too cute.
Today was 100th day of 1st grade. This is the picture Kaden drew.
Today was 100th day of 1st grade. This is the picture Kaden drew.
Ok... so I have a couple questions/comments
1) Apparently he's celebrating he's 100 because he's got a balloon attached to his arm
2) He must need a cane for his extra long arm
3) I guess he'll have glasses when he's old. (pretty clever to think about dude!)
4) ummmmm.... did he turn into a caterpillar with two long legs? I'm not quite getting his body here.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Cakes. Cakes. Cakes and more cakes today.
But I did get to take a super fun break from it to go with Avery to the Fire Station preschool today.
She asked the fireman, "How does the fire trucks go so fast?"
I was proud of her. She was really shy about asking and wanted me to to it, but I told her if she wanted to know the answer, then she had to ask herself. Pretty soon, her little hand was raised in the air and she spoke out.
Cute little thing had the biggest grin on her face after she asked her question.
Way to go Aves.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I gotta say that one of my favorite things right now is that Brighton is turning into a bit of a mamas boy. He loves to cuddle after naps, he loves to give me kisses, and he loves to come crawl in bed with me early in the morning and fall back to sleep. The cutest thing is that anytime he hears the garage door open (even if I'm not going anywhere), he runs down from playing with his trains and says, "Mom... don't leeeeeve me!" Then rushes over to me so I can pick him up.
Just a few minutes ago, I opened the door to take stuff to the freezer... he ran downstairs and when he saw I wasn't going anywhere, he turned right back around and went upstairs again.
I love this kid.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Every year we go to Crystal Hot Springs on Presidents Day..
It's something the kids look forward to for months.
This year I decided to stay home with the baby, but everyone else had a really great time.
This is a typical scene at the hot springs.... all the kids hangin out with grandma. I think it's their favorite part of the day.
This is a typical scene at the hot springs.... all the kids hangin out with grandma. I think it's their favorite part of the day.
Of course the day wouldn't be complete without a little geo caching. Oh, look at the cute couple! Brian and his brother are geo caching junkies. (But we love them anyway) :)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday Family Night at my moms house.
Grandma and Grandpa always find ways to help us be better people. Tonight we got to work on a humanitarian project for FHE. She told the kids about all these children in Africa who don't get very many toys. Then she told them we were able to help these children by making stuffed animals for them. All the kids got to stuff these homemade bears that my mom had spent HOURS on just to get them ready for us to stuff... then the adults sewed them all together. I'm so grateful for their constant effort to make meaningful memories for me and my family.
Grandma and Grandpa always find ways to help us be better people. Tonight we got to work on a humanitarian project for FHE. She told the kids about all these children in Africa who don't get very many toys. Then she told them we were able to help these children by making stuffed animals for them. All the kids got to stuff these homemade bears that my mom had spent HOURS on just to get them ready for us to stuff... then the adults sewed them all together. I'm so grateful for their constant effort to make meaningful memories for me and my family.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
What a beautiful day in finishing our basement land.
Grandpa letting the kids "help" and earning a work hat..... check
All the can lights in .... check
Almost all the framing done in the family room.... check
Cabinets in..... check
Door hung to go into storage room..... check
Two trips to a dumpster down the street...... check. check
2 1/2 hours at IKEA with 4 kids to get basement stuff...... check (glad this one's over)
More walls knocked down.... check
Most wonderful dad and hubby in the world...... double, triple, quadrouple check!!!!
Grandpa letting the kids "help" and earning a work hat..... check
All the can lights in .... check
Almost all the framing done in the family room.... check
Cabinets in..... check
Door hung to go into storage room..... check
Two trips to a dumpster down the street...... check. check
2 1/2 hours at IKEA with 4 kids to get basement stuff...... check (glad this one's over)
More walls knocked down.... check
Most wonderful dad and hubby in the world...... double, triple, quadrouple check!!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Today was the BIG Birthday Bash!!!
The day started with Avery getting to have a special day just with daddy since he had to work on her "real" birthday. All she wanted to do was go to the "Big Toys R Us". She told us earlier that it wasn't fair that she had never been to Toys R Us before. So that is where she got to go.
Brian was planning on getting her the "light up yo-yo" she seemed to want yesterday..... but a daddy can do a little better than that.
All it took was a sparkle in a little girls eyes when she saw this bike and that was that.
(aren't daddies the greatest? they work a lot like grandma's come to think of it)
Then the party.
My oh my did we have fun.
The party would not have been as awesome if it weren't for one of our favorite friends Ellory. She came over and painted all the girls fingernails AND was the brave soul who taught 11 little girls a dance that would be "performance" ready for their moms in under an hour.
Ellory.... you are amazing!
All the cute little dancers dancing to Hoedown Throwdown from Hannah Montana.
I was too busy to take picture of the other events... but the girls got make-overs which included sparkles in their hair, sparkle lip gloss, fingernail painting, sparkly rings and tu-tu's for the girls dolls. All the girls go their own mix CD with some of the coolest tween music ever!
Then we had dance practice, made body glitter, played games, and opened up presents. This was so cute! The girls were all so polite and we had so much fun taking pictures of all the girls with Avery.
And of course there was cake. (my kids get jipped... I know it's ugly.. but the barbie skirt did match Avery's skirt... so it was a sortof personalized)
One of the best parts of having your birthday over is the "tearing down the sign"
This was my idea so we didn't have these dang signs up for weeks on end because they didn't want to get rid of them. Now the kids look forward to getting to crash it down at the end of the night,
Love ya Aves... I'm glad you had a wonderful Birthday Weekend! You are the BEST!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I can't believe my little girl is 5 years old.
If I could say 5 things I love most about Avery, it would be.....
1) Her contagious giggle and her strong personality
2) Her motherly instincts when it comes to her baby brother
3) That her best friend is her big brother
4) That she loves to cook with me and she's my very best helper
5) She is the GREATEST daughter a mom could have
The morning started early with Kaden, Brighton and Connor making the final touches on the infamous "birthday sign"
And then (as per request from the birthday girl), Breakfast in Bed!!
Now, Avery is not much for being patient when there are surprises... so she insisted on opening all of her presents before 8:30 am when Kade and Brian had to leave for school and work.
As you can see... this girl LOVES her shoes!
I can't believe my little girl is 5 years old.
If I could say 5 things I love most about Avery, it would be.....
1) Her contagious giggle and her strong personality
2) Her motherly instincts when it comes to her baby brother
3) That her best friend is her big brother
4) That she loves to cook with me and she's my very best helper
5) She is the GREATEST daughter a mom could have
The morning started early with Kaden, Brighton and Connor making the final touches on the infamous "birthday sign"
And then (as per request from the birthday girl), Breakfast in Bed!!
Now, Avery is not much for being patient when there are surprises... so she insisted on opening all of her presents before 8:30 am when Kade and Brian had to leave for school and work.
As you can see... this girl LOVES her shoes!
and her princess barbie dolls....
The difficulty of being five years old and having your birthday done by 8:30 in the morning is that you have all day long to realize all the fun is over. Avery told me that she wished she would have gotten more presents that she REALLY wanted. When I asked her what she wanted, she had to think and think and think and think... then she said, "uhhhhhh... a light up yo-yo" WHAT??? A YO-YO??? That girl just wanted more presents. Luckily she's having a birthday party with her friends tomorrow.
The day wasn't all that boring though... she had plenty of other great birthday events.
She got extra special attention at school as well as got to go out to each with just mom and Kaden at the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. It was a pretty cool day.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
My dad came over tonight and started knocking out walls in the basement....
He had a cute little helper.
He had a cute little helper.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
And this is what he looks like about a half a second after you pick him up
All I can say is Good Thing He is Cute!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dear Cupid,
I don't want flowers. I just want all this to go away!
So you may ask "HOW in the world can a house get THAT messy? And WHY would she ever dare share it with the world?"
Here are the answers: The WHY?? Uhhh I don't know come to think of it. Maybe it's so I can have proof in future years when my life has changed and Avery doesn't think I understand what it's like to be a young mom.
The HOW? (now that is a story)
Let's call it "A Day in the Life of Turia.. the over scheduling, crazy, try to do it all girl"
6:30 am- Get up early to get to Wal-Mart since we have no syrup for Breakfast in Bed for Dad
6:45 am- In Wal-Mart to get syrup and candy for valentines parties today. I also remember Avery has been wearing Kaden's underwear for about 3 days now and I still don't have clean underwear for her, so I buy her a package. (yes... I'm a super mom. I make my daughter wear her older brother's underwear)
7:45 am- Run in the door with Kaden waiting for me at the door wondering where I've been and Avery on "watch" duty to make sure dad doesn't get out of bed
7:55 am- Pancakes are made. Oranges are cut. Chocolate Milk is poured. And Avery's red rose from Carter is now being re-gifted as a bed tray decoration for dad.
7:56 am- All 3 kids are walking the tray into the bedroom and with big smiles saying "Happy Valentines Day!!!"
8:00 am- More pancakes made and kids are at the table eating. I'm making a bottle for Connor because I don't have a second to stop and nurse him (yep.. another great sign of what a super mom I am)
8:15 am- Making Kaden's breakfast. Getting backpacks packed, clothes on the other kids, making a valentine fruit (instead of candy) basket to hide in Brian's car since he's on a diet, etc., etc...
8:20 am- A "surprise" knock at the door. The kids run to find valentines cards on the door and candy from dad (I love that he does this for them every year)
8:35 am- Dad and Kaden out the door for school
8:36 am-10:00- Getting kids bathed and dressed. Reading over my visiting teaching lesson. Having a shower myself (yeah!), nursed the baby and put him down just long enough for him to fall asleep, then got him up again (yep.. super mom I am)
10:10 am- Already 10 minutes late to my first visiting teaching appointment
(Bright has to bring his valentine from dad to show off the train on the card!)
10:35 am- Pulling into the driveway of our 2nd VT appointment
11:15 am- Ran home (since our 3rd appointment cancelled) and rushed to feed the kids lunch
11:20 am - Having to clean up Sunday night cereal bowls, pancake plates and cups just to find a place on the table for their sandwiches (which I cut into hearts by the way)
11:25 am- Feeding Connor
11:35 am- Drop off Avery at her preschool carpool and head out for yet another VT appointment.
12:15 pm- Home at last.... well at least for an hour
12:20 pm- Bright and Connor are both sound asleep (alleluhia!!)
12:25 pm- I think I ate a sandwich. I'm sure I drank a Diet Dr. Pepper
12:30 pm- Tested and retested 3 more times my play dough recipe to figure out the least messiest way to have the kids make it for the Valentine Party at school
1:20 pm- Get everything together for Kaden's 1st grade class Valentine party (I'm in charge of a craft)
1:40 pm- Take two very sleepy kids over to Angie's (my life saver as always)
1:45 pm- Off to Kaden's school
2:00-3:30 pm: Made play dough with 23 kids (It didn't go all that bad! I was impressed)
3:35 pm: Leave the school with Kaden. He tells me how fun it's been to spend time with me today (OK... now that was the best thing that I've heard all day)
3:45 pm- In the Grocery story getting pre made sugar cookies to give to our cousins for V day, and a rotisserie chicken for BBQ pulled chicken sandwiches for dinner
4:45 pm- Back at Angie's to get my kids and enjoying a nice visit with her for a second before we go and start decorating our cookies.
5:00 pm- Leaving Angie's in a panic as I just remembered I need to have 2 dozen cupcakes made for a lady in my ward by 7:00!!! Ya. I totally forgot about it. There goes Vday Cookies for the cousins and $12 bucks of heart shaped cookies sitting in my trunk still! Ahhhhhhh
(I can tell my day is about to go from crazy to INSANE)
5:15 pm- Starting my cupcakes. Baby Screaming. Kids Hungry. Kitchen is such a disaster I have no bare counter top space to even put my ingredients on.
5:30 pm- Still letting Connor cry (yup... there's that super mom coming though again)
5:45 pm- Cupcakes are done and cooling. Luckily I already had frosting made for the cookies I was planning on making with my kids! Baby is STILL SCREAMING!
5:46 pm- Pick up Connor and try to shred the rotisserie chicken with one hand (HA!)
5:47 pm- Gave the now calm baby to Avery and shred the rest of the chicken
5:53 pm- exact time I'm sure :) Avery is now sick of holding Connor so he's back with me. And I'm sure super hungry again.
5:55 pm- One handed cooking.
6:05 pm- BBQ pulled chicken is out of the microwave. Plated and ready to serve. With the ever healthy Doritos and Capri Sun to make up the rest of the meal (uh huh.. you don't have to say it.... super mom!)
6:10 pm- Decorating the cupcakes with one hand again. Connor is still has dibs on the other.
6:20 pm- Piping the last cupcake as the door bell rings. My neighbors are here to pick up their cupcakes. (I am not kidding.. literally as I was finishing the last one!)
6:23 pm- Quickly throw some frosting on some other cupcakes from the remaining batter and head out the door.
6:35 pm- In the car, Connor has finally fallen asleep
6:45 pm- Got to Tyler and Jana's to give them some VDay cupcakes (sorry everyone else.. we didn't get to you as we had hoped!)
7:00 pm- Knocked on Grandma and Grandpa Larsen's door with Kaden's Famous Brownies and Avery's Famous Cookies from yesterday
7:20 pm- Leave Grandma Larsens house. Pick up Brighton (who is shoe-less since I never put shoes on him when we left!) and felt his very wet pants and super soggy butt... it was then that I realized I hadn't changed his diaper ALL DAY LONG!! Not once!! (have I won any award yet for the best mom on earth?? Seriously!!)
7:30 pm- In the Target parking lot ready to give Brian some cupcakes.
7:31 pm- (super mom warning) Drop off Kaden and Avery to go into Target all alone to give Brian the cupcakes because I don't want to take the other kids out of the car)
7:35 pm- Kids are back safely in the car and we are off. But guess what? I have no gas! (big surprise)
7:40 pm- Getting gas and a car wash
8:01 pm- Drive into my driveway to see my parents at my door with Valentines!
8:01 and 1/2 pm- Thinking.... "WHY? WHY? WHY? doesn't my mom ever come and visit me when my house is CLEAN?" It never fails.
8:02: Pull into the garage and swallow my embarrassment as my parents come into what I think is my kitchen (it's hard to tell by now... it's been a long weekend)
8:25 pm: Grandparents are gone. I got around to finally changing Brights diaper. Kids are in bed. Conner is once again crying and has been for a while.
8:30 pm: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! The beautiful sound of silence (because I'm nursing the baby)
8:45 pm: Look into the kitchen and sigh.. Happy Freikin Valentines Day. But then I look down and see a beautiful little boy has stopped nursing and is smiling at me. (one of my all time favorite things about having a baby). He lifted my spirits. It might all be worth it after all.
9:00 pm- Baby happy and falling asleep.. Let's tackle this kitchen.. but first, I take the picture shown above.
10:30 pm- Still cleaning. Has noticed 3 empty cans of Diet Dr. Pepper. Did I really drink e cans today? When in the world did I have time for that? Oh my.. I'm going to be up for a while. (come to think of it.. it's probably all the D.P. in my system that is the cause of this oh so lengthy post)
10:45: Have a full load of dishes washing and still a full sink of dirty dishes that wouldn't fit. I have gone into the laundry room to turn on the washer for the 3rd time with the same batch of clothes in it. (Please tell me some of you do this and I'm not the only one that has to rewash clothes) It's about this time when I think to myself, "Why am I so excited to add another 1800 square feet to my house house?"
11:00 pm- Still cleaning, but getting down to sweeping the floor when Brian comes in. Ya.. 2 hours after his shift ended. All that means is that he's had as good as a day as me.
11:30 pm- Brian's gone to bed. I am done with the kitchen and I sit down to blog about my day....minute by minute of it.
12:18 am- Just finished this post and I'm thinking to myself... you know what? It was a crazy day. It wasn't the romantic Valentines Day from years past. I was too busy. BUT at the end of the day, I had told my husband I loved him. I had spent time with my kids doing kind things for others. I got to be with Kaden at school. I served the sisters I visit teach, and I FINALLY got that diaper changed. With a little help from my friend "Mr. Pepper", I had the energy to get it all done and even end up with a kitchen I would't mind my mom seeing! Maybe the day wasn't as bad as I made it out to be after all.
When everything is said and done.... It's all worth it for these guys right here.

When everything is said and done.... It's all worth it for these guys right here.
Happy Valentines Day.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentines Day Order
My cute dad called Kaden the day I posted the "Kaden's Famous Brownies" post and ask him if he could "pre order" some brownies for grandma for Valentines Day. He asked if he could get them Sunday evening and told Kaden he would give him $5.00 if he promised to pay his tithing and save a little for his mission.
Kaden was super excited and took the "job" very seriously. He followed up with grandpa Dallan a few times in the last week to let him know when the brownies would be ready.
Avery wanted to get in some of this action as well, so she told Grandpa that she makes "Famous Cookies". So Grandpa asked her if he could order some cookies from her for grandma as well.
The kids were super excited. So today we made the famous Brownies and Cookies. Because they were for Valentines Day (from Grandpa) we decided it would be important to put a "Business Shop" tag on the boxes, so grandma knew where the yummy treats came from. The kids felt very special and Grandma got some yummy treats.. and mom felt very, very, very grateful for a grandpa who takes the time to make a couple little kids feel so special.
My cute dad called Kaden the day I posted the "Kaden's Famous Brownies" post and ask him if he could "pre order" some brownies for grandma for Valentines Day. He asked if he could get them Sunday evening and told Kaden he would give him $5.00 if he promised to pay his tithing and save a little for his mission.
Kaden was super excited and took the "job" very seriously. He followed up with grandpa Dallan a few times in the last week to let him know when the brownies would be ready.
Avery wanted to get in some of this action as well, so she told Grandpa that she makes "Famous Cookies". So Grandpa asked her if he could order some cookies from her for grandma as well.
The kids were super excited. So today we made the famous Brownies and Cookies. Because they were for Valentines Day (from Grandpa) we decided it would be important to put a "Business Shop" tag on the boxes, so grandma knew where the yummy treats came from. The kids felt very special and Grandma got some yummy treats.. and mom felt very, very, very grateful for a grandpa who takes the time to make a couple little kids feel so special.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
My kids are so blessed to have amazing grandparents who take so much time doing special things for our kids. Yesterday, Grandma Larsen came and picked up Avery for her "birthday weekend with grandma and grandpa". It starts at 5 pm with shopping with Grandma. After shopping, grandpa joins them for dinner, then back to grandma and grandpas house for a sleepover. Now this isn't any sleepover. This is ONE ON ONE 100% attention from grandma. Poor grandpa gets kicked out of his own bed and has to sleep downstairs with "Daisy the Dog" (avery's words) and Avery gets to sleep in bed with grandma in grandpa's spot! (Yet another thing that does not get to happen with mom and dad).
After a beautiful nights sleep (probably just for Avery.. not so much for grandma and grandpa) they get up and make pancakes and have more fun till it's time to come home.
As I said before... I feel so blessed for wonderful grandparents. My kids have great relationships with all 4 of their grandparents as well as their great grandparents. I know we are all better because of these great people in our lives.
Now for the "shopping" part of the birthday.. Shopping with grandma is much different than shopping with mom. Grandma is grandma which equals........ kids get spoiled and LOVE every second of it!
All Avery wanted for Christmas was this friekin remote control puppy. There was NO WAY I was going to get a $50.00 stuffed animal for her. NO WAY!!!!
So, this brings us back to her shopping trip with grandma........
Guess who got her puppy?
My kids are so blessed to have amazing grandparents who take so much time doing special things for our kids. Yesterday, Grandma Larsen came and picked up Avery for her "birthday weekend with grandma and grandpa". It starts at 5 pm with shopping with Grandma. After shopping, grandpa joins them for dinner, then back to grandma and grandpas house for a sleepover. Now this isn't any sleepover. This is ONE ON ONE 100% attention from grandma. Poor grandpa gets kicked out of his own bed and has to sleep downstairs with "Daisy the Dog" (avery's words) and Avery gets to sleep in bed with grandma in grandpa's spot! (Yet another thing that does not get to happen with mom and dad).
After a beautiful nights sleep (probably just for Avery.. not so much for grandma and grandpa) they get up and make pancakes and have more fun till it's time to come home.
As I said before... I feel so blessed for wonderful grandparents. My kids have great relationships with all 4 of their grandparents as well as their great grandparents. I know we are all better because of these great people in our lives.
Now for the "shopping" part of the birthday.. Shopping with grandma is much different than shopping with mom. Grandma is grandma which equals........ kids get spoiled and LOVE every second of it!
All Avery wanted for Christmas was this friekin remote control puppy. There was NO WAY I was going to get a $50.00 stuffed animal for her. NO WAY!!!!
So, this brings us back to her shopping trip with grandma........
Guess who got her puppy?
Life would not be as great if it weren't for grandma's
(I gotta admit... the dog is pretty cute)
It's name is "princess"
43/365 (Part 2)
Gotta add this cute little bit.
When grandma came to pick up Avery for her birthday weekend, Grandma made this little guy giggle harder than I've ever heard him giggle!
It brought the whole family running into the family room to listen.
When grandma came to pick up Avery for her birthday weekend, Grandma made this little guy giggle harder than I've ever heard him giggle!
It brought the whole family running into the family room to listen.
Shauna was telling Connor she would not bring him back cookies or candy and he was laughing and laughing.. Now, Kaden thinks that it was the cookie and candy part that was making Connor laugh so Kade keeps going up to Connor saying, "I'm not going to give you a cookie or candy. I'm not. I'm not!!"
The laughing doesn't happen..
Guess you gotta be a grandma to get a smile this big!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Avery's prayer tonight went something like this.....
"Heavenly Father. Thank you for this day. Thank you that I got a Beautiful Red Rose from Carter...."
"Heavenly Father. Thank you for this day. Thank you that I got a Beautiful Red Rose from Carter...."
Valentines Day is in the Air!
Her little friend Carter was at the rose shop with his dad and said he wanted to get a rose for Avery.
So...this cute little kid came up to the door (not wanting any help from his dad) and gave Avery a beautiful red rose. Avery's got a big smile on her face, gave him a hug.. they played for a second and then Carter was out the door. Pretty cute.
(a side note... this little romantic was also Avery's First Kiss! A cuple weeks into preschool I was driving them home from preschool and Carter said, "Avery, do you remember when I kissed you?"
(They both giggled)
Ahhhh!!! My daughter has already been kissed. And she now has gotten a rose!
Past midnight and I'm still up working on the computer. i have some cute pictures of my spoiled baby, but I'm too tired to download them. So... instead I'm just going to post avery's bday invitation I've just spent an hour working on. Kids birthday parties are so much fun. She's super excited for her special day!
(I know this is a lame post... but some day, it might be fun to look back and see old birthday invites)
(I know this is a lame post... but some day, it might be fun to look back and see old birthday invites)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My Two Best Friends Growing Up...
I know they would do ANYTHING for me
I know they would do ANYTHING for me
For Example:
Today Cindi (cutie on the right) came down to have lunch with me and our girls had a play date together. When she asked what she could bring, I told her an electric drill and a hammer because we'd be building cabinets downstairs for my kitchen. Well.... this amazing domestic diva showed up at my house Mormon "Extreme Home Makeover" style! Homemade cinnamon rolls in one hand, power tools in the other and a purple tool belt around her waist! I wish I would have taken a picture. It was awesome!! I couldn't stop laughing. She actually has her own tool belt! (and uses it too!)
We have know each other since the 3rd grade and have been friends ever since. She just recently moved back to Utah and it has been so great having here close. Not too many people have the privilege of having a friend like Cindi. She comes over and we talk and have a good time, but she doesn't sit still... she's up doing dishes with me, helps me with cakes, fold clothers, or in today's case... nailing boards together. (wow.. now reading this... she probably thinks I think she's my housekeeper :) ) I love that we are so comfortable together that it's just like she's in her own home when she's here. No matter how many years have passed by since we've seen each other... and rarely talked to each other.. when we get together, it's as if we've never been apart. It's these friendships that mean the world to me.
Love ya Cindi... can't wait to see you in your purple tool belt again!
Today Cindi (cutie on the right) came down to have lunch with me and our girls had a play date together. When she asked what she could bring, I told her an electric drill and a hammer because we'd be building cabinets downstairs for my kitchen. Well.... this amazing domestic diva showed up at my house Mormon "Extreme Home Makeover" style! Homemade cinnamon rolls in one hand, power tools in the other and a purple tool belt around her waist! I wish I would have taken a picture. It was awesome!! I couldn't stop laughing. She actually has her own tool belt! (and uses it too!)
We have know each other since the 3rd grade and have been friends ever since. She just recently moved back to Utah and it has been so great having here close. Not too many people have the privilege of having a friend like Cindi. She comes over and we talk and have a good time, but she doesn't sit still... she's up doing dishes with me, helps me with cakes, fold clothers, or in today's case... nailing boards together. (wow.. now reading this... she probably thinks I think she's my housekeeper :) ) I love that we are so comfortable together that it's just like she's in her own home when she's here. No matter how many years have passed by since we've seen each other... and rarely talked to each other.. when we get together, it's as if we've never been apart. It's these friendships that mean the world to me.
Love ya Cindi... can't wait to see you in your purple tool belt again!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Today was just one of those days....
laundry. picking up after kids. work stuff. needy baby who likes to be held all the time. more laundry. homework. snow storm (grrrrrrrr).
We did shake it up a bit and went to a Beach Party at Kaden's school tonight. The kids LOVED dancing and showing off their moves.
laundry. picking up after kids. work stuff. needy baby who likes to be held all the time. more laundry. homework. snow storm (grrrrrrrr).
We did shake it up a bit and went to a Beach Party at Kaden's school tonight. The kids LOVED dancing and showing off their moves.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Date night at Home Depot and IKEA only can mean one thing.........
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you dad for always being there to help and get us motivated. I love you.
I hope I will be like you when I grow up.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you dad for always being there to help and get us motivated. I love you.
I hope I will be like you when I grow up.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
and I gotta admit... I'm going to be even more sad when I don't get a sleepy little boy coming in to cuddle and fall back asleep at 6 am every morning
(What a good little actor he is... we had to re-create the moment. I didn't think Brian would be too happy with me if I woke him up in the wee hours to take a picture)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
4 Kids.
ALL have gone skiing before they were 4 months old.
I think dad's more happy than the babies, but it's the very beginning of wonderful special memories hanging out with dad.
Connor 2011 |
![]() |
Kaden 2004 |
Here's how the others are doing:
Kaden is becoming the "big man on the slopes". Today was the first day Brian took Avery and Kaden up together. Well... maybe I shouldn't say together because Kade decided Brian and Avery were too slow for his style. He ditched them and skied all day long on his own. (look at that toothless smile)
Avery is doing awesome! This is her 3rd year doing the ski's on her own. She's figured out how to stop and turn, and can go down the hill all on her own. She loves to race Brian down the hill and is a little mad that she's not quite tall enough to get on the lift herself so she can go alone. (I am very happy she is too short. My 4 year old does NOT have to go on the ski lift alone!!! Ahhhhh!!! and you know Brian would totally let her do it)
And then there's Bright....
He thinks he's as big as the other two and was fighting for his turn. He was only up there for a couple runs, so he didn't have ski's. He kept telling us his ski's were "lost" and we needed to go get some in the "room over there" (the lodge). When we left for the day, he saw the lifts had shut down and he told Brian to go fix it. Then he gave Brian some batteries he had brought with him in the car (weird, I know) and told him the lift needed new batteries. (could this kid be any cuter?)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Went to dance today to watch these cute little girls.....
But the real show were these two!!
Posing for the camera, giving hugs, playing ball and sipping water out of the drinking fountain! McKinley and Bright have been coming to dance with us for months now and they finally realized they could have fun together!
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