Tuesday, January 8, 2008


So, baby #3 is preparing to show up any time now. As many of you mom's know.. you get pretty ancy by the the few weeks.
Last week I was dilated to almost a 4 and 70% effaced! I was thrilled thinking I'd have the baby any second.
Well..... it's still hasn't come. I wish the doctor never told me I was that far along because now I'm just getting impatient. I think that each moment could be "time". But to no avail. Hopefully I will have better news to post the next time I get on. We'll see how the next few days go. If you see me out jogging in the freezing cold the next little while, you'll know why!
If I do make it through the weekend, I'll be induced on Monday the 14th... so I guess if I have to I can be patient. (grrrrrrr... patience it's over rated)
Wish me luck! Three Kids... Ahhhhh!!!


Crystal said...

Good luck with Baby #3! (S)he will be here before you know it!

Jon and Emily said...

Are you nuts? Don't rush these things...3 kids!...need I say more?

The Sohm's said...

That baby is being really stubborn. I can't wait to see what it is!! It must be a boy for how stubborn he is being:)

Mandy said...

Ohhhh! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see the next posts of your beautiful baby. I hope that all goes WONDERFUL and I also hope that 3 really isn't as hard as people say it is. You're a champ, you'll do great!
Good luck this next week!

The Bergers said...

Congratulations on the new baby boy!! I heard at church and it sounds like everything went well. Let me know what i can do!!