As you read in my last post, my mom hated mothers day growing up... I am not to that point in my life with my kids just yet (Thank Goodness... I am DREADING the day I realize my kids are no longer those cute, innocent little sweethearts they are now)
So, since I am very optimistic that my mothers day will be pretty darn good (knock on wood), I want to write down some of the reasons I love being a mom in 2008.
#1- Those awesome people in the picture above!
#2- Avery coming in every morning with out stretched arms saying "mommy!!!!!"
#3- Brighton's smile
#4- Kaden's never ending compassion
#5- Staying home to be with my kids and watch them learn
#6- (Brian allowing me to do so)
#7- Sitting in bed at night at staring our conversations with.., "you'll never believe what the kids did/said today"
#8- Their innocence
#9- Their Spirits
#10- The funny things they say
#11- How Kaden and Avery play hide and seek
#12- How they get excited when Brighton wakes up from his nap or how they run to tell me he's crying
#13- Avery's laugh and huge smile
#14- Kadens amazing eyes
#15- Brighton's funny cough when he is trying to let out a fake cry
#16- How excited they get when they see their grandparents
#17- When Brian comes home and Avery says, "DADDY'S HOME!"
#18- Because I have an incredible husband to share this time with... who's even a better dad
#19- Cuddle Time
#20- Watching the kids conduct FHE
#21- Avery's Mischief (yes... I really just said that!)
#22- Kaden's obsessions to all things "boy" (rockets,trains,cars)
#23- That I have girlfriends that are going through all this with me
#24-The spontaneous hugs, kisses, and I love you's from my kids
#25- Every day I get to wake up and know I will learn something from them that will make me see life just a little bit better.
1 comment:
This is cute! I hope your Mother's Day was great! You are such a great mother to your kids!!!
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