I've never been much of a gardener. When we lived in Arizona we bought a goofy little cactus to fell more like Arizionians.. and well... I killed it. Ya.. I killed a freikin cactus. Since then, I have not been allowed to have plants. Last year I thought I'd give it another chance with a hanging basket in our front yard.... well, it died too. I'm just no good taking care of them. I've got way too many other things in my life to worry about keeping a plant alive.
Brian on the other hand LOVES gardening. He's pretty darn good at it as well. He enjoys working outside which I despise. Luckily, he has taken full responsibility of our yard and I don't have to worry about it. (Don't look at it at this very moment... it's been a little neglected due to crazy schedules) I think my distaste for yardwork stems back from the daily yard work chores I had as a kid. Grantid.. my mom worked harder than all the kids combined, but I still hated it.
So, thanks to my hubby, I get to reap the benefits of fresh grown peas, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, peppers, and hopefully some apples soon. It's pretty cool to go out into your garden and pick some veggies for your dinner.
I like your garden too. If you need any takers I'm here.
Brian is quite the man! Your radishes were awesome. I can't wait until I can get veggies from my garden. They are taking their sweet time.
Wow, I'm impressed! I planted carrots too but I don't know how to tell when they're ready. Any tips from you or your hubby? :)
Aaahh, very jealous!!! I so want to start on a garden, but haven't had the chance! Maybe next year?!?! if you need to get rid of anything, we'd love to offer! :)
That is great. However, does Brian shell the peas too? That is the worst part. I remember shelling several 5 gallon buckets of peas each summer as a child. We grow a few now so the kids can eat them straight from the garden when they play out back, but it is so much easier to just get the baby peas from Costco.....and they taste as good or better.
I was excited when Harmons was built on bangerter but now it looks like I just have to drive up the street! :)
YUMMM! im so jealous. Im thrilled you had a blast in powell. I totally agree with the no more laying out cause all you do now is panic over your kids in the water. Or maybe thats just me. Hey are you so excited for Angies talk on Sunday? She better mention her amazing neighbors. Cause were both pretty sweet
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