Sunday, March 30, 2008
Brighton's Baby Blessing
Brian did a great job on the baby blessing. It was such a wonderful day as we spent most of it with family and friends. Bright is a special little boy and we feel so blessed to have him with us. He is starting to smile so much and it makes our day! Even the kids run over to watch him when he's smiling!
After the blessing at church, we all came back here for lunch. Thank you everyone who brought yummy treats! It was a fun afternoon and even cooler that my family stuck around and cleaned up for me! I gotta love my mom! She's always there for me.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
For those of you who think it's so easy to change your backgrounds.... I need your help. I can't figure it out. I can get into the HTML and I think I know where to change the code, but it's not working. What am I doing wrong?
Call Me!!! Write Me, Email Me... Anything! I need major help. It's driving me crazy.
Call Me!!! Write Me, Email Me... Anything! I need major help. It's driving me crazy.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
EPIPHANY (warning.. it's deep)
Today I had an unexpected epiphany, in the most unexpected places....
For months now, I have been wanting to try out a new Yoga/Tai-Chi class at the gym. I had taken a class years ago in college, but nothing since then, so... I am VERY MUCH a beginner. (Downward Dog made my legs shake, that's how new I am to this stuff)
Anyway, the class was amazing. Not only did I feel rejuvenated and relaxed after the hour barefoot in a dimmed room, I actually had a spiritual experience. Now, I've heard that yoga does do that to some people, but never really believed it... until today.
So I am in the class, trying very hard to focus on the moves as well as clearing my mind of the daily grind that often floods all parts of my brain. The instructor has us go to the "salute to the sun" position. As I did it.... my epiphany hits me like a ton of bricks. As I stood there, void of stresses in my life reaching up toward the ceiling, I felt this overwhelming love from my Father in Heaven. I felt as if there was no ceiling at all and I was truly giving myself to God, talking with Him, and LETTING GO of the need to do things on my own. I found myself no longer void of thought, but giving thanks for all that I have. I felt as though for just a moment, as I posed in "salute to the sun" that it was not the sun I was saluting, but Heavenly Father. Saluting HIM who has given me so much, I realized I do not allow He who knows me best to help me in my life as much as I should. I go on day to day very independent. Not wanting the help from others... even my husband at times. I am strong willed, I like to be in control, and like to have things my way. (I've often been told I have a "big wall" around me in which it's difficult to break through.) I have gotten used to this way of life, and have in many ways forgotten how to "humble myself to the Lord".
Now as I had my head held high and arms "Saluting My God", I realized that in so many instances in life, we are either looking , straight ahead of us with the things we have to get done, or we are looking down, discouraged or tired from a long day. But how often are we looking UP? How often do we take the time to stop, breath, raise our head and arms and "salute" HE who has given us everything. HE who can heal our pain. HE who can allow us joy and HE who is there to help and guide us? When I look straight ahead or when I look down, I realize I usually forget to look UP. UP to HIM who is there for me. In reality, that is the ONLY direction my head should be... the other things fall in place on their own after that.
Wow... all that from one yoga pose... So I guess now I must say that, YES... yoga can be somewhat of a "spiritual journey". At least it was today. Much like anything I guess; when you allow your self to get rid of the daily "noise" that fills our heads and just let go. It is then that TRUTH and HUMILITY can fill your soul.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Death of Me!!
Well, I'm back from a week long hiatus. I slacked off last week trying to get my life back in order after a week long hospital stay with Brighton. Now that I'm back, I'm blogging about my BIGGEST spring time weakness... I love spring time because it's finally getting warm. It's beautiful outside and the stores stock their shelves with Cadbury Mini Eggs. Oh my gosh!!! These little devils are the death of me!! I could eat a whole bag in a day if I'd let myself. I've gained 6 pounds in the last two and half weeks (only part of that can be blamed on eating crappy while Brighton was in the hospital) the other part is entirely because of these sinfully delicious little eggs. Man just talking about them makes me want to run to my pantry. Once this bag is gone... no more for me! (we'll see how long that motivation lasts)
Best be off to the gym.
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