Sunday, February 24, 2008

3:30 AM

The title of this post says it all, but since I'm here, I will give an update.
It's now Sunday afternoon. We've been here since Tuesday. I've decided Brighton just likes this 5 star resort a little too much to want to come home yet.
He's stayed about the same the last day and a half. He's on a very small amount of oxygen now which is great, but he can't seem to wean off of that amount. He's great off the oxygen for a few hours, then he needs it again (bummer). He's also still has a quite a bit of mucas down in his chest and in his nose so they are still suctioning him every couple hours. In order for him to come home, he's got to be off oxygen for 12 hours and not have to have a deep suction for 24 hours. So as of right now, he's still on oxygen and he's already been suctioned 3 times today... so odds are we're here another day or two.
Luckily, he is feeling much better though. He is awake and alert a lot more (even at 3 am :) as you can see above). He's even started smiling a little bit! He hasn't really done that yet, so it's fun to see him reach that milestone in his life. He's so much better than he was a few days ago so luckily the hard part is over.
Thank you all for thinking about us and praying for us. It's so comforting to know we've got such great friends and family watching over us!
Love you all. I'll keep you all updated.

Our Little Doctors

Kaden and Avery have been little troopers since Brighton's had my one on one attention up here. For the most part, they have been doing well. It broke my heart last night when Kaden called me on the phone and said, "Mommy, when are you coming home forever?"
There is just so much a 4 year old can understand, you know? The staff here at Primaries have been so great! We have had amazing nurses that have gone out of their way to make sure we understand everything that's going on. They have done all this for our kids too. Last Friday was the first time the kids came up. They have a program here where they teach the siblings about the hospital and what is going on with their little brother. They give them dolls and let them play "doctor". The lady helping them gives them a doctor bag with all the different wires and stickers that are on Brighton so when they see him, it won't look as scary. The kids are then able to put on the different wires on their dolls. They are also able to play with other tools doctors use to make their brother feel better. It was so neat to see them interact with their dolls. I was so impressed with the staff here and their thoughfullness in making sure the siblings feel comfortable.
So now Kaden and Avery have been up here a couple times and they love playing doctor. Kaden gives us all shots and medicine. Avery... well, she just likes to play peek a boo in the curtains. She's the "playful" nurse that keeps everyone happy. Those are very much needed around here, so I guess Avery does a great job!
I'm so proud of these little guys. It's hard to be moved around and away from your parents. They are so great. I am a very lucky mom to have all these great kids.