Dear Brighton,
I am completely, totally, 100% in love with you.
Those eyes? Those dimples? That smile? What else can I say? You melt my heart.
3 1/2 is such a perfect age.
Here are some of the reasons I love this stage:
-They have their favorite "comfort" toy... Brightons is his "guankey"
-He can't be just holding his blanket, he has to have specific corners. One in his thumb sucking hand, the other in the hand that goes to his face.
-They pretty much potty train themselves
-They say cute things like, "Mommy, are you happy?"
-They are not shy and talk to everyone
-Once again.. that smile. those dimples. those eyes.
-They love you more than life itself
-They turn into social butterflies and are hilarious with their little friends
-Pretty much everything that comes out of their mouths is hilariou8
-Every early, early morning, I have a cute little guy jump in my bed, cuddle up to me with his "guankey" and fall back asleep.