Explanation of picture.
Mom: Bright what are you doing?
Bright: I'm trying to get comfy mommy!
Age 3 1/2
"mommy, my foot is hurting. I need food to make it better.
I'm sorry Bright. You need to go back to bed though.
No. No. No mom.. my head is wobbling, I need a snack.
Bright. Go back to bed.
But mom, my hands are sparkly.
Mom, my tummy hurts. I need a treat. "
I was singing in the car to Brighton today and he said, "Mom, STOP!!! You are breaking my ears!"
(while we are at church)
Mom, I want my guankey!
No, bud, its out in the car.
But mom, lets go get it.
Nope, blanky is resting right now.
MOM!!!! It doesn't have any eyes!!