Monday, December 10, 2007

Snow Gods... Look down upon us... PLEASE!!

Most of my posts tend to be about my kids, but this one is dedicated solely to Brian. I must start this post by saying he is the love of my life and I adore him no matter what he looks like.... but..... it' really needs to snow HARD so I can have my clean shaven hubby back.
So here's the deal. Once winter hits, Brian becomes a Wednesday Ski Bum. Wednesdays are his days off and he spends each one of them up on the slopes. there is something about fresh powder blowing into his face that gives him a sense of euphoria that I think only he can explain. He lives the rest of the year just for ski season to begin. Anyway.... lets get back to the beard issue. So some guys grow a beard for the hunting season... not my guy. He grows a beard for the ski season. He grows it and won't shave it off until he gets that perfect amount of powder stuck inside his beard. Well.. since he only goes skiing on Wednesdays... a good ol storm hasn't hit for him to experience that sensation. Hence. the beard is getting longer and longer. Although he'll always be the best looking guy around... he is starting to look a little like Grizzly Adams.
So all I have to say is Let their be Snow this Tuesday night so I won't get nose up my nose each time I give him a kiss!!!
(Love ya babe!!!)

Skiing Fun

As many of you know, Brian is a HUGE ski fanatic. (As you will see on my next few posts). Anyway, he likes to start the kids young so they will be killer skiers by the time they enter kindergarten. Kaden's first trip to the slopes was when he was 4 months old. Anyway, this is Kaden's second season skiing with his dad on his own and he's getting really good at it. Avery still gets the easy way down with Brian holding her down the hill. Next year I'm sure she'll be own her own!
Anyway, this is a typical Wednesday in winter for the Larsen's. You'll find the boys on the slopes and the girls cheering them on at the end of the run with the camera!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Journey Into Bethlehem

I had a wonderful experience tonight that I felt started the Christmas season for me. I hope you don't mind me getting a little personal as I take you on my own "journey through Bethlehem". Tonight for our Young Womens group, we took the girls to a live Nativity that was close to our home. I had heard it was really neat, but had no idea the impact it would have on me by the time we left.
As my journey began, I walked through a crowded "city" where I first saw a father teaching his son the ways of carpentry. This young boy watched as his father taught him how to scrape the wood and turn it into something of purpose. Of course I thought of our Savior doing the same thing as a boy, but I also thought of my own life and the incredible impact a father has on a child. I have looked up to my father and his teachings and example for all my life. I see my own children beam every time they get to spend time with Brian. I watch Kaden as he works by his dad's side and tries to do everything the way his dad does it. It is these examples that will mold our children. It is the same example young Joseph taught our Savior.
As I continued my journey through the streets of Bethlehem, I saw the vendors selling their goods, the women polishing their dishes, the artisians making their pots. Everyone busy about their daily lives when we came across two lepers lying on the ground holding out their frail hands asking for a little change. All though this was just a reinactment, I felt so terrible walking away from these two people helpless on the "street". It made me think to myself... how many times do I just "walk past" those in need of my help? How many people are suffering around me that I don't take the time to give them a hand? Why do we continue to shun or ignore those with ailments beyond their control? My heart sank as I walked away.. having done nothing, but knowing I should have.
The street continued to wind at this point, and soon I saw a beautiful grey donkey... much like you imagine Mary riding on. As I leaned down to take a moment to explain the importance of this donkey to Kaden.... I started to tell him how Mary rode on this donkey when she had a baby in her tummy just like mommy. I went on to continue the story when Kaden stopped me and said, "I already know that mom". How touched I was at this point in my journey to know that my 4 year old little boy understood the role this donkey had in the most important event in history. I watched him as he petted the donkey.. almost as if it was an honor to be so close to such a humble animal.
My journey into Bethlehem has become an amazing look into my own life so far, and it's about to change me in just a few small steps as I enter a small stable. There in the darkness I see the most amazing bright light shining down on a beautiful baby lying in a soft, perfect manger. This child... not more than a few months old is wiggling and smiling at His mother as she lovingly looks into His eyes. I look down to see my own son walking ahead of everyone to get right infront of this amazing scene. His hands gripped onto the small fence just staring at baby Jesus. I hope the image of that moment stays with me forever as I didn't have a camera. A perfect baby in a manger white as snow from the light above moving and wiggling watching His mothers smile and a small 4 year old boy in a blue beanie and heavy coat on his tiptoes watching quietly this moment in history come to life. I had to step back with tears in my eyes and try and contemplate the power of this one event. The power of the Spirit not only testified to me that this DID happen, but that this was no ordinary event... no ordinary child... no ordinary stable. Christ the Lord came to this earth just like you and I. In the most humble, perfect way He could.... as a child. And to see that my own child... as small as he is, in some way understood that. He could feel the power of that moment. He knew who that baby was and he loved Him. I realized once again, that I too knew who that baby was and that I loved Him more that I could imagine. Watching my son stare into that stable and not wanting to leave was a testament to me that what I try to teach him every day is true.. and that he understands. He probably understands even better than I do at times and that helps me strive to be better and draw closer to my Savior and my own testimony.
What an amazing journey I was able to go on all from walking the streets of Bethlehem in a small town in Utah on a cold night with my son. I was changed tonight. I feel a deeper connection to my Savior and the power that His birth can have on all of us if we just take the time to make the "journey".

Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's beggining to look alot like Christmas

The kids were so excited to wake up and see what "suprise" was outside. Kaden's first words were... "Now we get to go skiing!!!!"
We have had a lot of fun this morning playing in the snow. After an indoor snowball fight started by Brian (boys will be boys) we decided to take the festivities outside.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Taking Time to Enjoy The Simple Things

I have to admit... life is pretty great most of the time. I am so grateful for an amazing husband who sees the importance of doing things with his family and actually acts upon it. Brian is an amazing dad who loves to hang out with the kids. Since his work schedule allows him to have a couple days off a week, we make sure we do something fun as a family each week. These are just some of the fun things we've been up to.
First off... we went on our usual walk down to the bridge by our house to "throw rocks". The kids could spend hours doing this. Usually this event takes place a couple times a week while dad's at work, but this time, he was lucky enough to attend this "ritual".
Saturday was spent doing the annual cutting down the Christmas Tree. It's a great tradition Brian's family started years ago. We drive south a couple hours and hike around the mountain side to find that "perfect tree"..This year we decided to go BIG!!! Brian found a good 17 footer that we are looking forward to figuring out how we're going to decorate! And as usual, Kaden got his very own tree for his room.
Last night we had "bowling night". Kaden informed us all that we were going bowling. He's never been before, and I don't think we've ever talked about it, but he thought that would be fun to do, so off we went. He did really well and we all had a blast! I am so appreciative for those little moments when we take time to stop and enjoy life. I get so distracted each day with the unimportant things that I often fail to recognize the joy in throwing rocks in a pond or taking the time to play in the leaves. It's these precious moments that life is all about.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

22 Months going on 16

Avery decided she wanted to learn how to drive this weekend. We were at a friends house who has a large yard and she got in the car and started pushing the pedals. She figured it out really fast and had the biggest smile on her face the whole time. After about 10 minutes or so, we heard this little scream...... "Ahhhhhhh!!!" We then looked over to see Avery about to run into a pile of bricks next to their garden! Sure enough.... CRASH!!! She ran right into the bricks and halted to a dead stop. She was just fine, infact she still had a smile on her face. It was just so funny when we heard her scream... it was like she was trying to say..."I'm going to run into these bricks and there is NOTHING I can do about it!" It was so darn cute, but gave a realization that this might actually happen with a real car in just a few more years.

Monday, November 12, 2007

When it comes to emotions... I wish I was male

I'm a little nervous posting this as it's my second post on my blog.... but I'm among friends right? I just hope you've all gone through it before and can sympathize!!!
So here it goes.... I think all I really need to say is yesterday was Sunday. I could probably stop there and for all you "church goers" that have toddlers, you'd understand completely. But for the sake of a story (and a well needed venting session) I will continue.

So it all starts Sunday morning. Kaden our 4 year old is practicing his part for his first ever Primary Program at church. He has flawlessly memorized his part to 100% cuteness. Soon he will go to church and blow the congregation away by his singing abilities and cute speaking part. You know the kids... the ones who sing so loud you can't hear everyone else and makes everyone laugh? Ya... that was the picture in my mind of how this was going to turn out.
The morning went quite smoothly which was short of a miracle since I had final touches on my Young Women's lesson to prepare, kids to get ready, choir to go to, lunch to make and of course stock up the diaper bag with all sorts of interesting things to keep Avery in the pew and not run up to the front of the church (non of them work by the way).
We get to church, the kids go to their classes without a problem, and I actually taught a pretty good lesson on being "Optimistic" to the teenage girls. I was feeling pretty good about the day so far, and getting more excited for the upcoming primary program that was soon to take place. I even left Sunday school early to get a "good seat" so I could see my angel perfectly.
The exciting moment finally arrived. There is cute Kaden looking all grown up sitting with his class in a few pews ahead of us. He was anxiously looking for his aunt, uncle and grandma who had come just to watch his program. The meeting started and things looked good. His class was the first to give their speaking part (which they were all supposed to say together). These cute 4 year olds reverently went up to the microphone and stood there waiting for their teachers cue to begin. Kaden on the other hand went straight to the microphone, and before any of the other kids could talk, spoke his part fearlessly.... "MY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST GROWS WHEN I KNOW WHO HE IS". We all giggled a little (yes!!! the response I imagined in my head) as the kids quielty went back to their seats. The songs he's been practicing all year were his next big part. I knew he would steal the show!!!
THEN REALITY HIT..........................
The overexcited mother (me) saw that her prodigy of a son (Kaden) was not singing any of the songs. He wasn't sitting quietly, He wasn't even being reverent. He kept coming back to me saying he wanted to sit with me and didn't want to sing the songs. When I finally talked him back into sitting up with his class to finish his program, he fell over another kids foot and bumped his head and was crying. (This was all at the same time Avery had already tried to run away, thrown books at the peoples heads in front of us and was no longer willing to sit down... even if Grandma and her favorite aunt were siting right beside her). So Avery is out in the hall with Brian, I run to rescue crying Kaden from his teacher and go out in the hall with him. Brian and I at that point try and reason with him that his grandma and aunt and uncle came all this way to listen to him sing and that they were sad because they weren't able to hear him... (you know the routine). Nothing was working. Brian then told him he could wear his special watch and when the numbers turned to 4:00 then he would be done and could come back and sit with us. What a great idea right??? Well, we thought it was. Feeling quite confident about our new plan, I knew he would go back in and sing his heart out until the program was over.
For the next 20 minutes all he did was worry about the stupid watch and what time it was. Then he got all the other kids around him more interesed in his daddy's watch so they were now more concerned about the watch instead of being reverent.
When you've got toddlers.... CHURCH IS NOT A PLACE OF PEACE ---- IT'S REALLY MORE LIKE HELL.
(Sorry, I hope I don't get struck down for that one)

We finally got out of church and my dreams of my beautiful 4 year old participating in his first primary program were shattered with the reality that it was just like any other Sunday except now I was not only frazzled and frustrated (like normal after 3 hours of church with kids) but I was also embarrased that he didn't perform well for his family who came to watch and was very difficult for his teacher who had to try and take care of him and 8 other 4 year olds for the whole hour. AHHHHHH!!
I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant and tired, or I just have typical emotions of a woman, but I never got over being frazzled. The day just seemed to get worse. When I couldn't take it any more, I found my self going to bed and 9:00 pm crying over what a terrible mom I was that I couldn't get my kid to sing in church and not wiggle. My life seemed to be all doom and gloom.... and this after I had just taught a lesson on being optimistic in life not 12 hours earlier!!!!! WOMEN!! If I were a man, I would have gotten over it or just tuned it all out and probably went and watched football or something. Instead, it's Monday morning, I woke up with a monster headache, tired from a restless nights sleep, and a big pile of laundry waiting for me in my closet!

Thank you all for listening to my very long venting session. Luckily, my kids as hard as they are, seemed to know I needed something a little special this morning. Avery smothered me with hugs and kisses for no reason, and Kaden woke up and just wanted to lay and cuddle in the warm covers. And as we speak, while I'm needing a little mommy time, Kaden is in his room quietly reading a book to his little sister. They truly are the greatest thing in my life, even when they are your greatest struggle. (This paragraph is the part when I am looking at the positive in life.... I guess I gotta practice what I preach!)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween Fun

Kaden was a rocketship this year although many people thought he looked the the pope. Avery was adorable as a little black witch.
They figured out the getting candy thing pretty quick! After only two houses, Avery would hold her hand out and say, "nanny" when neighbors would open the door.
Kaden kept an ongoing tally of how many Reeces Peanut Butter Cups (his fav) he got throughout the night.
Needless to say... I think they had a pretty fun night.