Monday, June 30, 2008

Kaden the Ring Bearer

We had a blast this weekend. It was jam packed with fun! First and most important, it was my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom. I love you!
On Saturday, Kaden participated in my good friend Idaliz's daughters wedding. Kaden was the cutest little ring bearer you've ever seen! Not only did he do a great job, he LOVED every second of it! He was great at posing for the camera, holding the rings, and just looking plain old cute! The reception was a blast. It was a great Puerto Rican wedding reception. Great food, a ton of dancing, lots of fun for hours. Kaden was a riot the whole night. He ran around like he was the reason for the party. He flirted and talked to everyone. He danced almost every song and even went up to my friend Jackie while we were talking and said, "Will you dance with me?" What???? a four year old asking someone to dance? Can it get any cuter? He was so much fun to watch. Of all his dancing adventures, my favorite was when he and Avery started to dance together. It always ended up in wrestling on the grass, but it was still adorable.
I'm so excited for Linda and Jose. I hope they are enjoying their honeymoon. Linda and her family have been through a lot this year and it was really great to see them have a good time.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Is there any thing better than S'mores and Hot Dogs??

In answer to that question, I would have to say.. on a taste stand point... Ya... just about EVERYTHING! I'm not a terrible fan of either of those summer staples. But if you look at those food items as an excuse to sieze the moment and spend time with your family... ya just can't beat the taste.
Brian was off yesterday and we decided to ditch our everyday lives and take the kids up to the mountains for dinner. This is about our favorite place to be in the summer. We are mountain people. We try and take any opportunity to get up there and yesterday just happened to work out for us. We stopped and got some dogs and the ever popular treat involving chocolate, graham crackers and a toasted marshmallow. The next 2 hours were pure bliss. Avery and Kaden excited to go "rock climbing" on the boulders near our table, Brighton kicking his feet because he was so happy to be outside, Brian building a fire and taking the kids to find "caves" and me being the family photographer trying to capture the moment as I think about how great life is. These precious "adventures" are what life is all about for me. Life shouldn't be about filling up our lives second by second with places to go, things to do... we need to take time to just stop and enjoy the moment. So next time you feel stressed... get in your car, head east and roast a hot dog, a marshmallow and enjoy watching your kids love life. They can teach you alot if you just sit back and watch.

Monday, June 23, 2008

I vacuumed today

I used to tease my mom because she vacuums her house JUST to have the nice lines in the carpet the vacuum leaves. You can tell she is now an empty nester... I'm lucky to get the vacuum out to get the Cheerios off the carpet! Well, I will no longer tease her for this because I have CRAVED a nice vacuumed clean home for the past week and it has not been in the cards for me this week. Vacumming, may not seem like such a difficult task, but I tell you.. it's been one of those weeks. Since last Monday.. (yes a week ago) I have had the lofty goal of staying home, cleaning my house, doing laundry, paying bills, you know... typical mom stuff. Uhhh, ya... never happened. Every day this past week has been packed full of adventures. From swimming pools to hospitals (not related incidents by the way), we have been doing about everything BUT cleaning my house.
Weeks like this make for happy (and tired) children, but it also leads to frustrated and stressed mom. I don't know if any of you get this way, but are you more stressed when your house is a mess? Oh my gosh! I could not get caught up this week. It's been nuts! If I could just have a few hours alone to get my house in order, I may get back to some sort of normalcy. So, I began while the kids were napping. I didn't have much time so I turned on some tunes, gave myself a time limit and there I went. First to the bathrooms, then separate the laundry, start the laundry, clean the kitchen, pick up all sorts of junk off the floors that I hadn't gotten to in a week, dusted.... (OK.. didn't really dust, but realized I needed to-- that happened with the ironing as well!). Fed the fish, swept the floor, thought about mopping the floor, but that's going to have to wait, de-cluttered my computer area. clean my room, think about going to the play room (yep.. that's going to have to wait as well) then looked at the clock and it was almost time for the kids to wake up. I figured I had just enough time to do what I'd been looking forward to doing for a week... Putting deodorizer on the carpet and turning on the good ol Kirby. Ahhh the sound of the motor running,the smell of the deodorizer, the lines in the carpet (they are pretty cool I must say. Is this the first clue that I'm becoming my mother?) It was wonderful! I finished, put the vacuum away, sat down to enjoy the moment, JUST in time for the kids to wake up and mess it all up again. Ahhhh that 5 minutes was heaven!!
So to any of you who are able to keep a clean house, I envy you, I want to be you and I hate you! :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Introducing Tidbits

I decided to start a new blog dedicated to all the funny stuff my kids say. I've only got a couple posts up right now because it's late and I'm tired, but check it out. If you want to join in the fun, just let me know! You can either put your email and name here, or just your name if you don't want your email out there for all to see. If I know you, I've probably got your email anyway!
Hope you enjoy Tidbits!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

I am very lucky to have three great fathers in my life. The first of course is my own dad. He is the greatest man. Most of my memories in life stem from something he has taught me. I truly believe that most of who I am is because of him. I wish I had all his qualities, but I hope to gain a few of them. If there were ever a more Christlike, service oriented, kind, generous, humble man... it would be my dad. He never complains, never talks about himself, never puts others down. He makes everyone around him feel loved and important. I love you so much dad. Thank you for being there for me, for teaching me kindness, service, and to have fun. Now that summer is finally headed our way, I'm so excited to spend most Saturdays on the boat with you. That is what family time is all about for me. I'm so glad we've been able to share that for so many years. I love you!!

I'm also lucky to have a great father in law. Brian's dad set such a good example for Brian to always find time to enjoy life and nature. He makes sure that he spends time with his sons even in adulthood. I know that Brian is the type of father he is because of the way he was raised as a child. John is kind, loving, and is there when you need him. I am so blessed to be in your family. Happy Fathers Day!!

And last but surely not least... my own husband. Wow... I tear up thinking about how blessed I am to have you as my partner, best friend and father to our kids. You too remind me that life is to be enjoyed as much as it is to "get things done". You are so patient and giving of your time. I am amazed at the amount of time you spend with our kids and enjoy doing so. They look up to you as their hero... and in my eyes.. you are their hero and mine. Thank you for becoming the man you are today. Thank you for your love for me, and Thank you for being the dad you are to our kids. I love you so much.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

3 2 1 Blast those devils away!!!

Here's a beautiful picture of the size the 3 kidney stones that were in me. It may not look like much, but this guy needs to go through a space that is about the width of a craft wire. It's been a long month, but I think I'm finally Kidney Stone free! I started having kidney pain in January about a week before Brighton was born. I've had stones before, so I knew what was happening... believe me.. if any of you have had stones before, they HURT! I would rather give birth.. literally.
Anyway, the pain would come and go until a couple months ago and the pain was coming more than going. After several tests, they found 3 large kidney stones. One already moving down (the culprit that was really hurting) and two more buggers in my kidney's that were too big to pass without surgery.
So.. about 5 weeks ago I went into surgery. The doctor blasted the two in my kidneys so they turned into small pieces and put a stint in me which is a covered wire that is supposed to open up the ureter (the space your pee goes through... sorry for the graphic detail) so the stones could pass through without pain. He also took the one out of the ureter with a scope. Well, it sounds like all was going well, but when I went back for my two week check up, they found out that the stones didn't break up the way they liked. I needed to keep the stint in another 3 weeks and go into surgery again. Can I tell you how bad that dumb stint hurt??? Somedays I could barely walk. It was a wire poking at me in all sorts of places. YUCK! I was so sad I had to go back into surgery, but I hoped this time it would work.
So, this past Tuesday, I went back in. To my delight, they took the stent out (finally) and re-blasted the stones in my kidneys. The past few days I've been passing miniature stones like crazy so I hope it actually worked this time! I'm so appreciative of all the people who have helped with my kids, brought me dinner, and just tried to cheer me up. Thank you everyone! I've got the best friends and family ever!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Blog Stalkers

I was reading an email from my friend the other day and she told me she was a blog stalker. So.... it gave me an idea. This post is dedicated to all the blog stalkers out there reading this. I am curious to see who you are, what's going on in your life and why you never post anything. The best part about blogging is reading other people's responses ya know!

So.... If you read this post, make a comment... even if it's just your name. I think this will be fun.

Stalkers and regulars... enjoy my blog but stop in and say hi every once in a while.