I literally am tearing up right now just thinking about the dumb movie!
As I've thought about it, I realize it's not that I'm sad that Andy has grown too old for Woody and Buzz, but it's because I'm sad for these little guys... the toys that live in the Larsen home, and what is bound to happen all too soon. Kids grow up, but the memory of their special friends never have to.
Meet Duck and Grottle:
Duck came to our family on August 22nd 2004. Kaden was one years old. Duck has not missed a night sleeping with his best buddy kaden for 7 years.
Grottle, came to our family a few years ago, but has been equally loved. He's been to Disneyland, Bear Lake, Lake Powell, Yellowstone, just to name a few. He too, has a special spot next to Kaden's pillow every night.
One morning Kaden told me that he had a hard time sleeping the night before because he had been crying. When I asked him why, he told me he was sad thinking about a time when he and Grottle wouldn't be friends anymore. When I asked him what he did about it, he told me they just did fun things that Grottle liked to do all night, like sing songs, cuddle and tell eachother stories.
Meet Pink Horsey and Armadillo:
Pink Horsey has been a family friend for many years now. Pink Horsey is also a world traveler. She loves to cuddle, have fashion shows, and play with her favorite friend Avery.
Armadillo.... who is really a ceramic hedgehog came to us via a White Elephant Christmas gift at a work party. Avery fought really hard for this hedgehog... it was love at first sight. For many months, she would sleep with her arm around Armadillo. Some nights she still does. Who would have thought a ceramic garden toy brought as a gag gift would turn out to be a special part of our family?
And lastly, meet "Guankey" and Thomas.
The magic of Thomas the Train for a three year old boy is just as incredible as a princess and castles for a little girl. Thomas has been an amazing part of our lives for two boys now. I once thought Thomas the Train was a boring PBS kids show, but seeing it through a 3 year olds eyes, changes your perspective.
Then there's Guankey.
What can I say about guankey? Guankey came to our family as a baby gift from the Relief Society when Brighton was born. 3 and half years later, he's seen better days.We've had him repaired once, but another hole has popped through. The hole is actually a big part of why guankey is so special. The thumb goes through the hole (it has to be the pink corner) then thumb goes in the mouth while the other hand holds the green corner... yes, it has to be the green corner.
Guankey watches every movie, goes on every car ride, and even hangs out in the car during church until Sacrament meeting. Every Sunday, Bright and I walk to the car after nursery to get guankey. There's not a night that can pass without guankey. One time we left him at grandma's house and litterally had to go get him because Brighton wouldn't stop crying at bedtime.
Now, Connor doesn't have any special friends yet, but I'm sure soon enough, he too will have things in his life that are just as special. Hopefully at that time, I will still be blogging and I will be able to introduce you to them as well.