Kaden and Avery went back to school from being off track for 3 weeks and this little guy started preschool!
I can't believe it! How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday that Kaden started his first day of preschool, now we're on kid #3 turning into a big boy! Wow... time flies by WAY too fast.
Proud big sister. She kept asking Bright today if he was excited to go to preschool. When we dropped him off she said, "Good luck at preschool, Little Buddy!"
Kaden on the other hand was a little more conservative...
Last night he told me, "Mom, I'm a little nervous for Brighton to go to preschool tomorrow"
(luckily we didn't have a problem! He loved every second of it)
His teacher is Miss Amy. When he sat down on his mat, he asked, "Do you have any toys?"
The cutest thing about the day was when we were on the way home. Brighton asked where Kaden and Avery were and I told him they were at school. He sounded very disappointed and said, "ohhhh, I wanted to talk to them about preschool"