Dear Brighton,
Today was your preschool halloween party. You were an adorable Thomas the Train. At some point in the future, I'm sure you will see your Thomas costume that you wore when you were obsessed with trains, and then you might see Kaden's costume when he was obsessed with trains. I want to tell you right now.... YES, I LOVE YOU JUST AS EQUALLY!!!! Just because I didn't spend hours making an actual train out of a box for your brothers costume, doesn't mean I don't love you less because I picked up your costume for 9 bucks at Wal-Mart. The actual truth is..... you are my 3rd kid... Kaden always got the cooler costume (for example...see examples below) because I had more time...... MUCH more time. Now I'm lucky to get to Wal-Mart to actually get a costume. So, my dear 3rd child, you are loved. You actually LOVE your wal mart special thomas costume and you looked pretty darn cute chugging all over the house today. I apologize I'm not as overly ambitious with the Halloween costumes as I once was... but you still looked adorable.
Happy Halloween Party.
Kaden's Thomas Costume of Yester Year Brighton's Wal Mart Special
Kaden Bee Costume of yester year Connor... Throw on the bee costume at the last
(yes, I actually made it to fit over his stroller!) minute... dirty pants, no socks... call it good!
What was I thinking? Like he'd even be trick or treating!
What was I thinking? Like he'd even be trick or treating!