Friday, September 30, 2011


Last week I went to the Relief Society Broadcast. It was such an amazing night. I learned so much and have felt the spirit of that meeting all week long. There were things said in that meeting that have truly changed the way I think about things. I know I was there for a reason. I know there were things that I needed to hear. 
One of the things that was talked about was to enjoy and celebrate the small achievements we see every day instead of always dwelling on the things we don't accomplish.  We were told to realize that the small successes that we see every day are so important and that we should be proud of them.  If we take things line upon line.... or one step at at time, each one of those small successes will be cause for great celebration in our life if we stop and appreciate them.  
Today, I understood that a little more clearly.  Kaden has been struggling with math a bit lately on these 5 minute timed tests he has to take.  He's been getting really low scores and we've been working really hard to practice these tests several times a week and teach him different tips to help him to them faster.  
Well today, we got to celebrate on of those "small successes".  He finished his timed test and only got 1 wrong!! I was so proud of him! He was so proud of himself.  It was great cause to celebrate.  
As I looked back on this, I thought of the talk at womens conference.  You know, this test was just a small weekly test. Nothing big or fancy.  We could have treated this test like another piece of homework that needed to be signed and returned back to school, but instead we cheered for joy! It was a small success, but brought us such joy because we KNEW how hard Kade had worked on improving his math skills.  
It must be a little like how our Heavenly Father feels when we sees true success in our lives.  He's seen how hard we've worked and He's proud of us.  Whether the accomplishment is big or small, it doesn't matter. All that matters is taking time to appreciate and celebrate those small successes we have each and every day and not focus on the other things in our life that may not be as successful. 

Kaden, I'm so proud of you! You worked so hard and you did a great job!