The Top 12 Reasons I Love Being Married To Brian"
12- He has given me 4 amazing children that are the joy of my life
11- He puts me and the kids first. He is always willing to do what ever is needed.
10- He does the yard work and takes out the garbage cans each week
9- He not only supports all my crazy plans, (ex... starting a wedding cake business) but will stay up till the wee hours of the night helping me without a single complaint.
8- He is the BEST dad!
7- He makes me laugh
6- He knows me better than I know myself
5- He is my best friend
4- He thinks I'm beautiful even when I don't feel so myself
3- He makes sure I slow down every once in a while to get out and enjoy nature
2- He is always willing to fold laundry, change diapers, do dishes and take the kids when I need it the most.
1- He ALWAYS says "I love you" whenever we get off the phone with eachother.. even if it's just a quick call asking him to pick up milk before he leaves work.
I love you Brian. You are the best part of my life.