Thursday, November 3, 2011

307/365 & Thankful Day 3

I'm having a hard time figuring out what to say today... nothing too exciting, nothing too motivating, nothing too exceptional.  Actually, it was just a normal day. The one thing I would have changed about today was that I would have had more patience with my kids tonight.  The two younger ones were playing and making messes while I was trying to help two very unfocused older kids do homework.  I found myself getting impatient, a little grumpy and quick tempered.  It wasn't fair.  I have total control of our routine, I have total control of creating a more peaceful learning environment, but today all that went out the door.  It was a good reminder that with a little extra preparation on my part, it will make a HUGE difference at the end of the day when we are all more tired and ready for the day to wind down.
So at the end of this extra normal day, I guess I got a quick reminder that patience is a work in progress...

Kaden did say a funny thing when I was putting him to bed today.
He said his prayer and fumbled on some of the things he was saying. After his prayer, he said, "geez mom, I feel like I'm losing my mind today! First I couldn't remember how to do my homework and then I forgot what I was saying in my prayers.  It's kinda weird huh?"

Well buddy, I feel like I'm losing my mind everyday.  Welcome to the club.