Monday, January 31, 2011


Wow.. last day of January! I did it!! Actually have 31 posts for 31 days.  I'm really loving this blog.  I look back at previous posts all the time and smile at the pictures.  Just imagine how fun it is going to be in a few months to look back on all the things I would have other wise forgotten.

Today I got into my "list mode" and went a little "chart happy".   I get this way every couple months where I feel like I can't do anything good enough unless I make lists and charts and plans and goals.  I literally sat down and wrote 7 different things I needed to make a chart for...

   ** Weight Chart (gotta lose the weight. I hate how I look/feel right now)
   ** Daily Job Chart  (for me and my kids)
  **  Daily Schedule  (of course it's scheduled to the minute of every moment.. why do I even think this        
                                    is going to work?  It never does...yet, i still make a chart)
  **  A video game/computer game schedule where the kids have to earn coins to play their games
  **  Paying Bills Chart
  **  Getting out of Debt Chart
  **  Goal Chart
   Oh, AND  I decided I needed to start couponing, so I'm meeting Jenni tomorrow so she can give me all the inside scoops on how to get a box of cereal for 25 cents and maalox for free.  Ya this is something I'm really going to have time for in between making all my charts! :)

hmmmmm.... looking at this all in one place makes it me realize one of two things:
     Either I'm a little obsessive .... uhhh... you think????  (I'm so not going to be able to sleep tonight.. I'm going to be thinking of my charts and what else I need to work on)  

     I've bit off more than I can chew for one week.

Maybe a better plan would be to work on these a little at a time

31/365 part 2


as I ended my previous post, I "published" it and an ad on blogger popped up for "free children's job charts"

hmmmmmmm.  My computer is pretty sneaky.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Most Sundays we get the privilege to have Kaden's Famous Brownies

 today was no exception.

If you haven't had the opportunity to try these famous brownies... well your missing out.  He uses "secret ingredients" to make them "extra rich" (kaden's words... not mine)

This time he made them ALL BY HIMSELF with no help from mom or dad.  He's becoming quite the pro.  His brownies are oh so good!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Oh the joys of potty training.
He came up with this pose all on his own.  Pretty cute I might say....
and he's a pretty good shot too! 

Friday, January 28, 2011


It's my turn for late over!!!!!

Kids. Kids. Kids Everywhere!!!

10 kids under the age of 8

Boys playing the Wii..

 Girls having a makeup party and listening to an ipod... an ipod?? Really?? Do you SEE how old they are?

 Toddlers watching Team Umizumi upstairs and playing on the lovesac

 Baby asleep (finally)

The beauty of it is that they are all pre occupied and I can actually get online and blog about it.
Some late over nights are better than others... this one is not so bad.

I love that my kids best friends are their cousins.  


I love my little helpers.
Avery is such a great big sister. She LOVES to help me with Connor. Especially at bath time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today we stopped in to say hi to Grandma and Grandpa K
I feel so blessed that my kids have the opportunity to get to know their great grandparents.  
5 out of 8 of them are still with us.  
I love you both. 
You have brought so much joy and happiness into my life.  I am better because of you.

(more great pix of other great grandparents to come!)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


This didn't happen today, but I wanted to take a sec and say how much I love my wild, stubborn, sweet, funny, adventurous, spunky, confident, beautiful little girl....who has the cutest belly laugh you have ever heard.
It's contagious.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Had an amazing conversation with this little guy today......

and he laughed... actually laughed! 
(moments like this that I'm glad I'm posting something everyday... how would I ever remember this moment if I weren't doing this?)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Best part of morning church.......

is having all afternoon to feed the ducks.

We LOVE our lazy Sundays.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I have the  most amazing husband.  What would I do without him?

All night sleeping outside in the mountains in January just to come home fast enough to take a shower and take care of the kids all day while I did consultations.  Not only did he have to take care of them, but he had to keep them out of the house...

1st Activity:  Lunch at Del Taco and having to deal with Brighton pooping in his pull-up in the playground slide.  (Ahhhhhhh!!! parents worst nightmare)
  He had no extra clothes and could only find a swimmer diaper in the car.  So on went the swimmer diaper and found a pair of Kaden's jeans in the car left in there from late over.
  Then got home to change him and put him to bed just to see that my consult wasn't over.
  He was sweet enough not to want to interrupt, so he chilled out in the car for 20 minutes with all the kids in the car.

2nd Activity:  Chucky Cheeses  
That makes him automatically #1 dad to deal with that place all alone and on a Saturday to beat. That might be worse than a winter scout camp.

I love you bri- Thank you for supporting me in everything I do without even the smallest complaint.
You really are the greatest.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Found out last week that Kaden has 6 cavitities.  Yes, 6!! Today we went and got them filled.  He was pretty loopy. He kept raising his hand up in the air and dropping it down over and over again.  When he tried to walk he just slumped over for a couple hours after.  His voice was low and slurred and he kept saying, "This is fuuunnnnny mom".  He also kept snorting like a pig.  It was pretty entertaining to watch him.  The bad news is that his mouth was so numb, he kept chewing on his lip.  Here's what he looks like now.

Poor Guy.

Missed out on a date night because Brian is one of those crazy guys who actually enjoy Winter Scout Camps.  What is it with men and their camping??? I just don't understand camping in a snow cave.  I just don't get it.  Can I say it again?? I JUST DON'T GET IT!!  Why is that fun?

So... here's the huge confession.
A night without hubby led me to realizing that if I don't start my blog now, I never will. So I have stayed up past 2 am and posted 21 posts.  I'm caught up. I'm super excited about this blog idea. I don't feel overwhelmed anymore. My head is killing me. My eyes are blurry.


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today I'm just happy to be a mom, and that I can laugh at what my kids say.

I was sitting at the computer and happened to let one rip (yes.. I know, very lady like)

Brighton said, "Mom, you need a diaper change?  Do you need to go poop on the potty?"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Let the Cake Consultations begin!!!
Now that the show is over.. it's consultation time! For the next month and a half my house is a cake design studio...  cakes. cakes. everywhere.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Soccer Mom Day minus the soccer

Avery dance this morning.
Kaden Karate this evening  (he's a very proud yellow belt)

Mom freikin out a bit that he came home with a mouth guard, boxing gloves and a cup...
I guess I shouldn't worry too much about his teeth... he's pretty toothless these days anyway :)
Gotta love 7 year olds.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Martin Luther King Day = Kids are out of School.  What Will We Do??

Play with cousins
Help Mom Clean the house
Ride the Roller Coaster
Make more cakes (sheez.. I know... getting sick of cake posts)
And the best surprise of all.... Dad came home early from work!

Good.. no day

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Our first Sohm Family Home Evening of 2011.  Once again, my parents have gone out of their way to make sure we stay close to the Lord, close to our kids, and close to each other this year.

Our family goal is one that I hope I can try to achieve each and every day.. It goes well with the purpose of this blog for me this year.  The purpose of the blog is to hope that I can be a little better today than I was yesterday.. and taking the time to write about my life will help me (I hope) grow into a better person.

So here we go... Sohm Family Goal 2011

To become closer to our Savior, we will work on improving one thing in our life that is of temporal importance and work on one thing this year that will change us spiritually.

Brian and I have decided we want to work on getting out of debt and try reading the scriptures with our kids every day.  Let's see how it goes.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


First of all.... Connor is 3 Months old today.  I can't believe how fast these 3 months have gone by.  Oh how I love this little guy.

Now... Bridal Show Day!  Now you can see why I have had NO sleep the last couple weeks.  Over half of these cakes are newbies just for today. Plus, we went through close to 1600 cake samples.

I'm tired.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


uhhhhhh.... these days are a big blur.  I think I've had about 3 hours a sleep every night for a week.

all I can say is the bridal show is Saturday.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Happy PRETEND Birthday Bright!!!!
The rest of his present came so it's time to party.  And party we did. Check this thing out!

 This is it... The "Extreme" Roller Coaster
 This is why we bought it!!! Can't get a better picture than this! Hair flying from the speed.. The biggest smile on earth. 
 The birthday boy LOVES his "ice fream" (most of us call it frosting)

and yes.... he got his Thomas Cake

I love you buddy.  Can't believe you are three.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Happy Birthday Brighton!!

(month 1 day 11 year 2011) 
cool birthday

(we are pretending it's not today)

Life is a bit crazy today and worst of all.. only half of his present showed up via UPS today.  Good thing little he doesn't really count down the days for his birthday.  When we ask him what he wants for his birthday he says, "I want Thomas cake"

Guess I'm making another cake.

Monday, January 10, 2011


It's cake week!!! Get ready for some very boring posts.  Working Stay at Home mom life has begun!

Made a birthday cake for a neighbor
Made about 30 pounds of frosting
Made 4 sheetcakes
Made 3 batches of fondant
Went to lunch with Emily (about time we start hanging out again)

(and somehow managed to do a couple loads of laundry)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Still not taking the baby to church due to flu season..
LOVED. LOVED. LOVED three quiet hours today all alone listening to conference talks while making wedding cakes for my bridal show coming up.

Elder Holland has an amazing way of making everyone feel like what they are doing in life is worth it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


hours and hours and hours of making small fondant circles for a bridal show cake.  If I can pull it off, it will be one very cool cake.

3 tiers... about 500 circles. My head is spinning.  I've got to take a break.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Date Night!!!!!!
I loooooooove Friday night Late Overs.

All the cousins get to hang out for 4 1/2 glorious hours (unless it's your turn to have all 12 of them at your house)

Brian and I get to chill out together...

tonight we lucked out and chilled with our great friends Angie and Brandon at Tempanyaki.... yummm

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Tonight I went to a business seminar all about the importance of blogs, facebook, and other social networking tools for your business.

Just another reason I need to be better at all this stuff.  More blogging= More Caking
Better go post some stuff on my sugarkisses blog.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Sometimes a two year olds independence is far more important than a healthy breakfast.  Doritos, fruity puffs, applesauce... and his blocks... The only thing cuter is that awesome smile!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Happy kids are back in school from the Christmas Break.... Oh so happy.

Monday, January 3, 2011


And this is what he looks like 2 and a half months after the darling picture below. Wow.. how they grow!
Our little man on his blessing day
January 3, 2011
So happy to have Daddy, Grandpa Larsen, Grandpa Dallan and Grandpa Kartchner plus all his uncles and participate in his blessing

 Super Blessed Mom and Dad

Wow!!! How did we get to this????
4 kids... I'm tired. I'm happy.  I'm in love.
Once again... Life is good.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Life is good... you know why???
THIS is why

Saturday, January 1, 2011


If I don't start now... I'm going to get too overwhelmed and won't start at all... here we go! 365 days... 365 posts (give or take!)
Not all the posts will be life changing, ahh haa moments or even inspirational... some will probably be pretty darn boring.. but all in all, I will be able to look back on this blog on Dec 31st 2011 and remember our greatest, hardest, intimate, priceless and even ho hum moments of the year.

Let the games begin!