Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lake Powell Bliss

I think of all the places I've been in my life, and my all time FAVORITE place in all the world is Lake Powell. I'm sure part of it is the nostalgia of my growing up years, but it's mostly just the pure beauty of the place. I can't think of a better place for me to "become one with nature" than boating down small canyons and looking up at the monstrous cliffs surrounding me. In years past, it was a time when I'd sit in the nose of the boat, soaking in the sun for a killer tan, listening to the "Nylons" or "Deep Breakfast".. the typical Lake Powell Canyon tunes and bask in the beauty. Today.. it's not much different, but instead of getting the killer tan, I'm content with my kids sitting on my lap as we look up at the beauty surrounding us. I didn't get the great tan of yester- year... but I DID get hours on end of intimate, priceless moments with my children cuddled around their mom in pure bliss. All of this added to the majesty of this remarkable place. The time with family, the beauty surrounding us, the water, clear as glass and the rum of the boat as it speeds out of a canyon at dusk all together makes Lake Powell my FAVORITE place on earth.
Growing up I wanted to work down at the marina store JUST so I could spend the summer on the lake. I never did that. I wish I had. As I'm taking a look down memory lane, it used to be that all I cared about was getting that killer tan and spending as much time as I could improving my form on the ski. I would spend every moment I could out on the water jumping the wakes, making big sprays, and going fast. I'd get frustrated when I wasn't doing as well as I wanted to and as my family still teases me.. would "smack" the water as if it was the waters fault.
I haven't done much skiing for the past few years and it disappoints me a little bit that I've allowed myself to give up something that I enjoy doing more than any other sport. But I do find that I enjoy just the sheer joy of being on the boat with the wind blowing in my hair and watching my kids enjoy something that I love to do. It's pretty cool.
In saying that, I'm not about to say I'm never going to ski again. I've made a personal goal. By next year's Lake Powell trip, I'm going to be much more fit. I'm going to get out and ski my heart out and let my kids (and my brothers) see that I can still rip it out there on the water!
Hope you enjoy some of our Lake Powell Adventures!