One of my kids favorite past times is trying desperately to push the love sac down the stairs. Once they get it down, they spend days jumping off the stairs onto the super large bean bag.
They have fun doing their acrobatics till I can't stand having the love sac in my kitchen anymore and I make Brian take it back upstairs.
Here's what been taking place at our house the last couple days.
Here's the muscle behind getting the bean bag down the stairs. Parker, Parker and Kaden. You should have heard the cheers as it tumbled down into the kitchen. You would have thought they just won a football game or something.
Kaden jumping from the very top stair. Yes. its high.
Sorry, I chopped off your head Avers, but awesome jump!
Brighton has to join in on the fun. He thinks he's just as big as his older brother and sister.
On another night: I had a great night tonight with a couple girlfriends having a craft night. I don't get to do that very often, but I love it when I do. I've found that when you find friends that can truly inspire you and you can be your whole self, without any barriers, without feeling uncomfortable, it's truly a blessing. I've been blessed to have some great friends in my life. I often take them for granted and don't appreciate what they do for me as much as I should, but I do enjoy it when I do take the time for a little Girls Night Out. It's pretty great.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Well that was supposed to be the plan.
Tonight I got cut from the team.
Kaden chose to go camping with dad. What?? Seriously?? And to top it off, he told me, "Mom, you could go if you didn't have other things to do" (like watch the other kids?)
The truth is, I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather Kaden have one on one time with than his dad. He's one lucky 8 year old. Brian got off a very long shift at work, walked in the house at 9:30 pm to a super excited boy ready to go camping. He changed his clothes, put the camping stuff in the car and off they went. He didn't even take time to eat any dinner. Kade... you've got an awesome dad. I hope you know that.
Monday, August 29, 2011
I can't believe this month is almost over. I can't believe this year is almost over.
Why does time move so fast when you are an adult?
I'm so glad I've been doing this blog this year because it makes me focus on the simple, small little things that happen on a day to day basis. I know I would forget so much if I hadn't taken the time to write it down.
Like pictures like these....
How would I ever remember the silly things the kids do if I hadn't snapped a picture?
Why does time move so fast when you are an adult?
I'm so glad I've been doing this blog this year because it makes me focus on the simple, small little things that happen on a day to day basis. I know I would forget so much if I hadn't taken the time to write it down.
Like pictures like these....
How would I ever remember the silly things the kids do if I hadn't snapped a picture?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
So many of these posts are about Kaden right now. Don't worry, come October. January and February, they will be about the other kids.
Today Kaden had his baptism interview with Bishop Ghiz. It was bitter-sweet for me. He is growing up so fast. I can't believe he's old enough to get baptized, yet it's an exciting milestone in his life as well.
We had a lesson today in church talking about how necessary it is for us as parents to safe guard our children from all the nasty stuff in the world right now. Our Stake President talked to all the women in our ward and explained how so many of our youth have major moral addictions and moral sins. Listening to him as well as hearing the stories my dad tells us that he has to deal with as a Stake President in his stake, my eyes are more and more opened that there is very little hope that my little family won't be affected with moral transgressions at some point in their life. It scares me to death, but I can't let fear keep me from letting them live their lives and learn from their own experiences. It's just up to Brian and I to teach them correctly, create a temple like atmosphere in our home, be good examples, and always be there to talk to our kids... even when it's awkward or difficult. We have to be their advocates. We have to help them fight against all the crap thats in the world, so they can enjoy all the beauty and good that's in the world.
As I was thinking about all this, I sat and watched my little boy sit in a chair in the bishops office answering almost the same questions that I am asked each time I go in for a temple recommend. I sat there so proud of him, so in love with this little boy that is growing up so fast. Part of me wanted to go live back in time when he was a few months old. But of course I can't do that. I can only embrace and love the person he's becoming and be proud of him.
One of the questions the bishop asked was, "Kaden, why do you want to get baptized?"
Kaden said, "Because it feels good to do it"
The bishop then said something that was so powerful, I don't want to forget his words.
He said, "Thats a wonderful reason to get baptized Kaden. You know, that's the Holy Ghost helping you feel good about the decision to get baptized. If everyone did things because they paid attention to how they felt when the Holy Ghost told them to do things, we'd live in a pretty great place".
I've thought alot about that. It's a good lesson for me as well. I need to live closer to the spirit. I need to make decisions based more on how the Holy Ghost makes me feel more than just reasoning. I know if I did that, I'd make better decisions. I'd be a better mom. I'd be a much better wife. I'd be more honest. I'd be a better friend, daughter, church member....etc. etc. I would just be better in everything I do.
Kaden. I'm so proud of you. I love your innocence. I wish I had it. I wish you could keep it. You are so special and I can't wait to see you get baptized next Saturday.
Today Kaden had his baptism interview with Bishop Ghiz. It was bitter-sweet for me. He is growing up so fast. I can't believe he's old enough to get baptized, yet it's an exciting milestone in his life as well.
We had a lesson today in church talking about how necessary it is for us as parents to safe guard our children from all the nasty stuff in the world right now. Our Stake President talked to all the women in our ward and explained how so many of our youth have major moral addictions and moral sins. Listening to him as well as hearing the stories my dad tells us that he has to deal with as a Stake President in his stake, my eyes are more and more opened that there is very little hope that my little family won't be affected with moral transgressions at some point in their life. It scares me to death, but I can't let fear keep me from letting them live their lives and learn from their own experiences. It's just up to Brian and I to teach them correctly, create a temple like atmosphere in our home, be good examples, and always be there to talk to our kids... even when it's awkward or difficult. We have to be their advocates. We have to help them fight against all the crap thats in the world, so they can enjoy all the beauty and good that's in the world.
As I was thinking about all this, I sat and watched my little boy sit in a chair in the bishops office answering almost the same questions that I am asked each time I go in for a temple recommend. I sat there so proud of him, so in love with this little boy that is growing up so fast. Part of me wanted to go live back in time when he was a few months old. But of course I can't do that. I can only embrace and love the person he's becoming and be proud of him.
One of the questions the bishop asked was, "Kaden, why do you want to get baptized?"
Kaden said, "Because it feels good to do it"
The bishop then said something that was so powerful, I don't want to forget his words.
He said, "Thats a wonderful reason to get baptized Kaden. You know, that's the Holy Ghost helping you feel good about the decision to get baptized. If everyone did things because they paid attention to how they felt when the Holy Ghost told them to do things, we'd live in a pretty great place".
I've thought alot about that. It's a good lesson for me as well. I need to live closer to the spirit. I need to make decisions based more on how the Holy Ghost makes me feel more than just reasoning. I know if I did that, I'd make better decisions. I'd be a better mom. I'd be a much better wife. I'd be more honest. I'd be a better friend, daughter, church member....etc. etc. I would just be better in everything I do.
Kaden. I'm so proud of you. I love your innocence. I wish I had it. I wish you could keep it. You are so special and I can't wait to see you get baptized next Saturday.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
There's all the awesome ninjas
Even a real one showed up
Kaden LOVED cutting his cake with a real ninja sword
The kids favorite part of the party was when the ninja chopped up a watermelon
Night games with ninja glow swords were a hit.
13 screaming boys running around outside in the dark with glow sticks is always entertaining.
Here's some pictures of the spread. I think it turned out pretty great.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wow... Theres a lot to get done for Kaden's birthday party. I've been working on it all day.
I'm getting soooooooooooooo excited!
I LOVE planning parties. Especially for my kids. They are at such a fun age where they are so into dressing up and enjoying special days just for them. When they have their birthday parties planned for over 6 months, how can you not go all out?
I love seeing the excitement in their eyes. I know they feel it's their happiest day of the year. They deserve every bit of attention they get, and it's my job to make it special for them. They grow up way too fast and soon they won't want to dress up like princesses or ninjas.
I'm getting soooooooooooooo excited!
I LOVE planning parties. Especially for my kids. They are at such a fun age where they are so into dressing up and enjoying special days just for them. When they have their birthday parties planned for over 6 months, how can you not go all out?
I love seeing the excitement in their eyes. I know they feel it's their happiest day of the year. They deserve every bit of attention they get, and it's my job to make it special for them. They grow up way too fast and soon they won't want to dress up like princesses or ninjas.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
One more week of the kids being off track...... will I make it????
Bored kids. Fighting kids. Calgon take me away!!!!!!!
Bored kids. Fighting kids. Calgon take me away!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Most of my posts are all about my kids. This one is about me.
This is my dream home. I love it. I want it. Someday I WILL have it.
(or something very. very. similar)
For the past several years whenever I drive past this house, I feel a pain in my heart that it's not mine.
I know I shouldn't be worldly, but a nice house gets me every time.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Meet the Friends:
Here is what I see nearly every morning at about 7:45am (Olivia and Kate... still in their jammies coming over to see if Brighton and Avery can play)
Then there is Sam. When we are lucky, we get sweet little Sam over as well. He LOVES my popsicles. I think the kids in the neighborhood have decided that the popsicles in my garage freezer are a free for all. That's ok though. It's super cute. Even when they eat like 6 at a time.
I will be a happy camper if Avery marries this kid. (That's the goal) He is about the sweetest kid in the whole world. He's also a clean freak, so I always make sure my car is clean before I ever pick him up for anything. There has been more than once that he's wrinkled his nose when he gets in my car. Is it good or bad that I actually clean my car for a 5 year old? He once said to his mom, "Mom, our car is starting to look like Turia's" Ahhhhhh!!!! If you heard that, you'd make sure it was spotless too :) I think I need to make sure I take him somewhere once a week so I can assure my car gets clean.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Kaden!!!!!
This is how the morning went:
6:45 am: comes into my room.. "Mom... you going to make me breakfast in bed?"
"Ya bud, I will."
"So, where should I go? Should I just lay in your bed, or go in Avery's room?"
"I'll just stay in your bed okay? Oh and do you have my birthday sign up?"
7:00am: Birthday breakfast was made and we had family birthday breakfast in mom and dads bed.
Presents followed shortly, and Kaden got a skateboard and a guitar. His favorite was the guitar.
He's already got the rocker pose down.
Wow!!! 8 years old! I can't believe it. I love you buddy!
This is how the morning went:
6:45 am: comes into my room.. "Mom... you going to make me breakfast in bed?"
"Ya bud, I will."
"So, where should I go? Should I just lay in your bed, or go in Avery's room?"
"I'll just stay in your bed okay? Oh and do you have my birthday sign up?"
7:00am: Birthday breakfast was made and we had family birthday breakfast in mom and dads bed.
Presents followed shortly, and Kaden got a skateboard and a guitar. His favorite was the guitar.
He's already got the rocker pose down.
Wow!!! 8 years old! I can't believe it. I love you buddy!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
We had our annual Sohm FHE meeting up the canyons. It's always nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Utah Mountains.
Aunt Callee with Avery and Bright

Baby Meili
Cute Abby
Aunt Callee with Avery and Bright
Baby Meili
Cute Abby
Best little cousin buddies. They were playing like they were eating ice cream cones.
Jake, Bright, Madison, Kate
Saturday, August 20, 2011
It doesn't matter how many times I watch the Disney Film Toy Story 3..... I always cry!!! Always.
I literally am tearing up right now just thinking about the dumb movie!
As I've thought about it, I realize it's not that I'm sad that Andy has grown too old for Woody and Buzz, but it's because I'm sad for these little guys... the toys that live in the Larsen home, and what is bound to happen all too soon. Kids grow up, but the memory of their special friends never have to.
Meet Duck and Grottle:
Duck came to our family on August 22nd 2004. Kaden was one years old. Duck has not missed a night sleeping with his best buddy kaden for 7 years.
Grottle, came to our family a few years ago, but has been equally loved. He's been to Disneyland, Bear Lake, Lake Powell, Yellowstone, just to name a few. He too, has a special spot next to Kaden's pillow every night.
One morning Kaden told me that he had a hard time sleeping the night before because he had been crying. When I asked him why, he told me he was sad thinking about a time when he and Grottle wouldn't be friends anymore. When I asked him what he did about it, he told me they just did fun things that Grottle liked to do all night, like sing songs, cuddle and tell eachother stories.

I literally am tearing up right now just thinking about the dumb movie!
As I've thought about it, I realize it's not that I'm sad that Andy has grown too old for Woody and Buzz, but it's because I'm sad for these little guys... the toys that live in the Larsen home, and what is bound to happen all too soon. Kids grow up, but the memory of their special friends never have to.
Meet Duck and Grottle:
Duck came to our family on August 22nd 2004. Kaden was one years old. Duck has not missed a night sleeping with his best buddy kaden for 7 years.
Grottle, came to our family a few years ago, but has been equally loved. He's been to Disneyland, Bear Lake, Lake Powell, Yellowstone, just to name a few. He too, has a special spot next to Kaden's pillow every night.
One morning Kaden told me that he had a hard time sleeping the night before because he had been crying. When I asked him why, he told me he was sad thinking about a time when he and Grottle wouldn't be friends anymore. When I asked him what he did about it, he told me they just did fun things that Grottle liked to do all night, like sing songs, cuddle and tell eachother stories.
Meet Pink Horsey and Armadillo:
Pink Horsey has been a family friend for many years now. Pink Horsey is also a world traveler. She loves to cuddle, have fashion shows, and play with her favorite friend Avery.
Armadillo.... who is really a ceramic hedgehog came to us via a White Elephant Christmas gift at a work party. Avery fought really hard for this hedgehog... it was love at first sight. For many months, she would sleep with her arm around Armadillo. Some nights she still does. Who would have thought a ceramic garden toy brought as a gag gift would turn out to be a special part of our family?
And lastly, meet "Guankey" and Thomas.
The magic of Thomas the Train for a three year old boy is just as incredible as a princess and castles for a little girl. Thomas has been an amazing part of our lives for two boys now. I once thought Thomas the Train was a boring PBS kids show, but seeing it through a 3 year olds eyes, changes your perspective.
Then there's Guankey.
What can I say about guankey? Guankey came to our family as a baby gift from the Relief Society when Brighton was born. 3 and half years later, he's seen better days.We've had him repaired once, but another hole has popped through. The hole is actually a big part of why guankey is so special. The thumb goes through the hole (it has to be the pink corner) then thumb goes in the mouth while the other hand holds the green corner... yes, it has to be the green corner.
Guankey watches every movie, goes on every car ride, and even hangs out in the car during church until Sacrament meeting. Every Sunday, Bright and I walk to the car after nursery to get guankey. There's not a night that can pass without guankey. One time we left him at grandma's house and litterally had to go get him because Brighton wouldn't stop crying at bedtime.
Now, Connor doesn't have any special friends yet, but I'm sure soon enough, he too will have things in his life that are just as special. Hopefully at that time, I will still be blogging and I will be able to introduce you to them as well.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tonight was cousin camp. I wish I had pictures. I'll have to get some from my mom.
The kids had a cowboy party and the D&B Ranch and Bullseye Coral. They were so lucky to go and ride Bullseye with a real cowboy... Grandpa K.
I am so thankful that my kids have amazing grandparents who love to spend time with them.
The kids had a cowboy party and the D&B Ranch and Bullseye Coral. They were so lucky to go and ride Bullseye with a real cowboy... Grandpa K.
I am so thankful that my kids have amazing grandparents who love to spend time with them.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Oh my goodness.....
I got a call a couple weeks ago from a client who wanted a birthday cake. I figured she was turning twenty something because she wanted a louis vouitton shoe box and tiffany boxes. The total cost of the birthday cake was nearly $450. She gave me her credit card number, (it was her name on the card) and I charged the card and all was good.
Well........ I went to deliver the cake and guess what???? The girl was 12 YEARS OLD!!! Seriously?? Who gives their 12 year old kid a credit card?? Who allows their kids to buy a $450 birthday cake??
If that was crazy enough, their nanny gave me a cake sketch of another birthday cake they want for next week for this girls 11 year old sister. Who are these people? I will never understand what it's like to have this much money.
Here's a picture of the two cakes I've made for the two sisters. I have to admit, they were two of the most fun cakes I've ever made. It just blows me away that they spent nearly $900 bucks in a week and a half just on cake. Wow.....
I got a call a couple weeks ago from a client who wanted a birthday cake. I figured she was turning twenty something because she wanted a louis vouitton shoe box and tiffany boxes. The total cost of the birthday cake was nearly $450. She gave me her credit card number, (it was her name on the card) and I charged the card and all was good.
Well........ I went to deliver the cake and guess what???? The girl was 12 YEARS OLD!!! Seriously?? Who gives their 12 year old kid a credit card?? Who allows their kids to buy a $450 birthday cake??
If that was crazy enough, their nanny gave me a cake sketch of another birthday cake they want for next week for this girls 11 year old sister. Who are these people? I will never understand what it's like to have this much money.
Here's a picture of the two cakes I've made for the two sisters. I have to admit, they were two of the most fun cakes I've ever made. It just blows me away that they spent nearly $900 bucks in a week and a half just on cake. Wow.....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We took the kids to Lagoon today. I haven't been since I was 17 years old. There are a lot of new rides, there are some crazy fun roller coasters even the little kids could ride. We all had a blast. My favorite part of the night was listening to Avery scream on the roller coasters. After they were done, she would yell, "THAT WAS AWWWWWESOMMMMME!!!!"
Not quite as cool as Disneyland, but it's about 12 hours closer :)
The kids favorite show on TV right now is Phineas and Ferb. On one of the episodes, they build a huge roller coaster. The whole day, they kept asking to go on the Big, white, Phineas and Ferb roller coaster.
Yes!!!!! Avery was tall enough to go on a lot of the rides!!!!
Sadly, she was 2" too short for the Phineas and Ferb roller coaster though. :(
I love Avery's face in this one.
Brian decided to be a druggist at the local apothecary in Pioneer Village, until he got yelled at for being behind the counter.
This is what a $6 slurpee looks like!! Seriously??? What's with amusement park food prices?
But, this is adorable little guy was worth it. It's about as big as he is.
Brights favorite part of the whole day.
Kade was too cool to go on the merry go round with the other kids, so he decided to play in the splash park.
I remember these when I was a kid!!
Yes, this IS what you think it is. When we stopped for dinner, Bright went to a near by tree, dropped his pants and peed for everyone to see. Instead of stopping him, I chose to take this picture instead.
(I totally made the right choice.... this is hilarious!)
Not quite as cool as Disneyland, but it's about 12 hours closer :)
The kids favorite show on TV right now is Phineas and Ferb. On one of the episodes, they build a huge roller coaster. The whole day, they kept asking to go on the Big, white, Phineas and Ferb roller coaster.
Yes!!!!! Avery was tall enough to go on a lot of the rides!!!!
Sadly, she was 2" too short for the Phineas and Ferb roller coaster though. :(
I love Avery's face in this one.
Brian decided to be a druggist at the local apothecary in Pioneer Village, until he got yelled at for being behind the counter.
This is what a $6 slurpee looks like!! Seriously??? What's with amusement park food prices?
But, this is adorable little guy was worth it. It's about as big as he is.
Brights favorite part of the whole day.
Kade was too cool to go on the merry go round with the other kids, so he decided to play in the splash park.
I remember these when I was a kid!!
Yes, this IS what you think it is. When we stopped for dinner, Bright went to a near by tree, dropped his pants and peed for everyone to see. Instead of stopping him, I chose to take this picture instead.
(I totally made the right choice.... this is hilarious!)
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