Saturday, December 1, 2007

It's beggining to look alot like Christmas

The kids were so excited to wake up and see what "suprise" was outside. Kaden's first words were... "Now we get to go skiing!!!!"
We have had a lot of fun this morning playing in the snow. After an indoor snowball fight started by Brian (boys will be boys) we decided to take the festivities outside.


Jesi said...

I agree with the kids, the first big snow fall is always the best. Let's just hope it sticks around for Christmas.


P.S. Love the new blog page look.

Happy Holidays!!

Mandy said...

We tried the snowman and failed, that's why we did the car- no stacking involved. So I am so impressed with the snowman.
Ditto to the blog thing. I love yours! I love to read about you and your family. I was just asking Emily how you were, I miss you! We should all get together again, I could use some girl-time. I'll add your link to mine too.
Good to hear from you!