Friday, February 15, 2008


If I tagged you here's what you do. Post the words in all caps below and fill in info about yourself. Then, at the end you tell who you are tagging & go and tag 5 friends on their blogs. It's just a way to get to know fun little things about people.

I had been home from my mission a few months and I was going to the University of Utah majoring in Speech Pathology. My social life was at the LDS Institute where I was in their show choir "Encore". (Yes... I was once part of a "sparkly vest club", Brian and I had just broken up (Super Bowl Sunday) after many years of being together. It sucked, but had to be done so I could realize how great he really was. So, I was dating around, going to school, working at Murdock Travel in the accounting department. I went to Europe with a girlfriend, got my passport stolen (story for another day) and got back together with Brian 8 months after we broke up (Yeah!)

Idaho, Tennessee, Utah, Oregon, Arizona

Finish a wedding cake, deliver a wedding cake at 4:00, clean my house, go get more diapers, get dressed!

I ENJOY.....
Hanging out with my kids and laughing at the funny things they do, going on dates with Brian, blogging, reading (that's a new one for me!), sitting in a bubble bath, pedicures, hiking, boating, going on vacations, 1000 thread count sheets

Leaving diapers on the floor (I know it's gross... I always get distracted), eating too many sweets, biting my fingernails

Used to be a "Theatre" major in college, Have a wedding cake business, I once waterskiied from Bullfrog marina to Rainbow Bridge at Lake Powell, I used to be a major tom boy (my "Martha Stewart" personality only surfaced about 6 years ago) and I love to do things for other people (got that from my parents... thank you guys)

Lion House as a cook & hostess, worked in a tech lab in college, Murdock & Starbird Travel, Jordan Valley School, and of course being a mom (this one's the best for sure!)

What will be going on in 10 years

Now this is a scary one. I have a hard time thinking my kids going to be going to kindergarten soon, let alone that he will be the yucky age of 14!! Oh the joys of puberty. Avery will be 12 and starting Young Women (Ahhhhhh!!!!) and Brighton will be 10. Oh my gosh.. this frieks me out even typing it. As for me, I hope to finally be at my goal weight, have run a marathon, and have a fully functioning kitchen in my basement for my cakes. Brian and I will have gone to Europe (if all plans are on schedule) and hopefully have purchased a time share somewhere. I'll be in my 40's and I pray we all have good health. Wow... a little wierd to think about this. We should all put this one in a time capsule and open it together in 10 years to see what really happened.

So there you have it. A little bit about me. So I tag......
Jenni, Jesse, Annie, Kristy, Crystal, Heidi, Megan and Amber (Anyone else who wants to join in the fun)


Jon and Emily said...

Only been a "Martha" for 6 years...BS! You were a cook at the Lion House for heavens sake! Nice try.

Heather Ann said...

Thats cool you went on a mission. Its fun learning new things about each other, huh?!

Crystal said...

K...I'm working on the tag...may take me a few days...

I didn't know you made cakes! Neil totally wants to own a bakery!

Mandy said...

That was so much fun to read! You are great! I could use some definate help in the baking and Martha department, but I'll help you with the marathon when you're ready! I loved reading all about you! 10 years from now is a pretty scary thought, it will be fun to look back and see how it went. I'm very happy to see that you've stuck with the reading thing. I hope one day I get to see you!