Wednesday, March 19, 2008


For those of you who think it's so easy to change your backgrounds.... I need your help. I can't figure it out. I can get into the HTML and I think I know where to change the code, but it's not working. What am I doing wrong?
Call Me!!! Write Me, Email Me... Anything! I need major help. It's driving me crazy.


Natalie said...


Hi, It's your long lost 215 friend. Here is a link that I did to do mine.


Mandy said...

Hey Turia, I can help if you want, I also set my blog to private so if you want, send me your email and I'll add you to the list. I could use some serious help with Photoshop, so let's trade secrets!

Mandy said...

Whoops, forgot to give you my email...

Jesi said...

Check out and both of these have great design idea's and step by step instructions. Good Luck.

Autumn & Chris said...

Hey Turia-
If you want to change it to your own papers and such you can give me a call and i can help you. I just need to refresh my memory so give me a day or so and my computer is being fixed so i don't have the info in front of me to look at. Chris and I spent 4 hours one night figuring out how to change it and there is an e-book for free on the internet that let's you know how to change it quickly i just have to find it in my files when i get my computer back. I got your note last week. Thanks so much. You are such a talented person. It's been fun getting to know you a little bit better. So again if i can help you just give me a call.