Monday, June 23, 2008

I vacuumed today

I used to tease my mom because she vacuums her house JUST to have the nice lines in the carpet the vacuum leaves. You can tell she is now an empty nester... I'm lucky to get the vacuum out to get the Cheerios off the carpet! Well, I will no longer tease her for this because I have CRAVED a nice vacuumed clean home for the past week and it has not been in the cards for me this week. Vacumming, may not seem like such a difficult task, but I tell you.. it's been one of those weeks. Since last Monday.. (yes a week ago) I have had the lofty goal of staying home, cleaning my house, doing laundry, paying bills, you know... typical mom stuff. Uhhh, ya... never happened. Every day this past week has been packed full of adventures. From swimming pools to hospitals (not related incidents by the way), we have been doing about everything BUT cleaning my house.
Weeks like this make for happy (and tired) children, but it also leads to frustrated and stressed mom. I don't know if any of you get this way, but are you more stressed when your house is a mess? Oh my gosh! I could not get caught up this week. It's been nuts! If I could just have a few hours alone to get my house in order, I may get back to some sort of normalcy. So, I began while the kids were napping. I didn't have much time so I turned on some tunes, gave myself a time limit and there I went. First to the bathrooms, then separate the laundry, start the laundry, clean the kitchen, pick up all sorts of junk off the floors that I hadn't gotten to in a week, dusted.... (OK.. didn't really dust, but realized I needed to-- that happened with the ironing as well!). Fed the fish, swept the floor, thought about mopping the floor, but that's going to have to wait, de-cluttered my computer area. clean my room, think about going to the play room (yep.. that's going to have to wait as well) then looked at the clock and it was almost time for the kids to wake up. I figured I had just enough time to do what I'd been looking forward to doing for a week... Putting deodorizer on the carpet and turning on the good ol Kirby. Ahhh the sound of the motor running,the smell of the deodorizer, the lines in the carpet (they are pretty cool I must say. Is this the first clue that I'm becoming my mother?) It was wonderful! I finished, put the vacuum away, sat down to enjoy the moment, JUST in time for the kids to wake up and mess it all up again. Ahhhh that 5 minutes was heaven!!
So to any of you who are able to keep a clean house, I envy you, I want to be you and I hate you! :)


The Bergers said...

I hear ya, Even though the kids woke up and messed it all is still a wonderful feeling for that one small moment to have a clean, organized home. If only those moments happened more often.

The Bergers said...

Oh...and the ice cream picture is fabulous! So cute!

Heather Ann said...

I know its so overwhelming trying to do all that we do, plus keep a clean, tidy house. I always have my kids help, surprisingly they LOVE cleaning the bathrooms - toliets, sinks, tubs, etc... Which works out great for me, because thats what I dispise, and they do a good job.. So if you need bathrooms done, I can hire them out to ya!? ;)

The Sohm's said...

OH do I know the feeling!! I feel so stressed out when my house is a mess. I can't ever get everything done in a day. Eric probably wonders what I do all day. There are just TOO many distractions

Angie said...

Turia, I can relate...i have had a hard time keeping up this week too but, I sure love the smell of your yummy vaccumed carpet!

Todd and Heidi said...

I feel the same way but I only have one child and an apartment. What am I ever going to do with another child and a whole house? :) I am glad you had a good day and vacuumed:)

Autumn & Chris said...

Yeah I'm totally with you. If only our husbands could see it before it got to the dilapidated state again. One day I'll be able to not step on a toy or look at a mess where I just cleaned five minuted earlier. Who knows maybe we'll get our wish when we get to be rich folk!!!!! Have a great week. Autumn

Shumway Adventures said...

Ha Ha! I don't have kids that mess up my apt. But I can't do anything unless the house is clean!! Maybe this runs in the family? I don't like to vaccume but it looks soo Great! I think this is a family problem!! HE HE