Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Life Lesson on Judging Others

An interesting thing happened yesterday while I was at the grocery store with my kids. Avery wanted to go on the little rides outside the front of the building, so we headed over there for a quick "horsee" ride. I rummaged through my wallet to find the 50 cents it required and found I only had a quarter. As I was telling my kids that we'd have to ride it after our grocery shopping was done so I could get some change, a man came up to me and asked how much the ride was. I told him it was a 50 cents and he bent down into his backpack, fished around for a minute as gave me 4 quarters and exclaimed, "Good for two rides!".
I thanked him and tried to give him the cash I had, but he wouldn't take it. I sat there in awe of my own "judgemental attitude" I could have had toward this man. He was a man in his 60's I suppose with several earrings in his ear, a dirty old tank top, several gold chains, teeth missing and a prosthetic leg. He carried around a dirty backpack. Upon first glance, I would "assume" he would be coming up to me to ask for money, but instead, he wanted to make a little kids day by letting them go on a silly ride.
I used his quarter and the ride started. The kids were giggling, the man was saying how he loves kids and he doesn't ever get to do things like this for anyone. I was so touched by his kindness. As I tried to give him money, he acted as if it was an insult, because all he wanted to do was do a good deed. As I stood there and watched my kids, the man was about to leave and he bent down again in his backpack and handed me 8 more quarters! He said, "Let your kids have a good time" and he walked off. I watched this man walk away and I had a sense of gratitude for the goodness in people. I tend to dwell on all the evil in the world a lot of times and forget that there are still SO MANY good people here as well. So, I say to myself as the hymn goes, "Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad, or made someone feel glad, if not, I have failed indeed!". So the next time I have the opportunity to do a good deed, I need to make sure I do it. Don't be afraid to help a stranger or someone in need. It' amazing what a little act of kindness can do to your soul.


Anonymous said...

that's a great story turia!

Steph said...

That made tears come to my eyes! Love it.... teaches us all a lesson.

Shumway Adventures said...

Wow! How neat!! This is a great story!

Noriane said...

Great story. I was thinking about the meaning of this song when we sang it in Church today, so your comment is very timely.

Jana Sohm said...

That is so neat! There really are a lot of decent people out there- I need to join that club more often.

Autumn & Chris said...

That is an amazing story. What a great experience to share.

Angie said...

Turia, that is beautiful and very touching. I have missed you.

A. L. Martin said...

That is So wonderful! I love it!

Mandy said...

What a great story! I loved it. A great lesson indeed!

A. L. Martin said...

Don't bust me! Mom and Dad and I are comming again on the 25th!!! E-mail me your address and we'll come see you!!!

The Prettymans said...

That was definitely something I needed to hear. Thanks for sharing it! I hope you don't mind me peeking at your blog. You'll have to add our blog to your blog list too.