Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a wonderful Halloween. The kids were so cute trick or treating. Avery wanted to go to every house. Even when she was so tired and practically asleep in my arms, she would say... "lets go dat house". They went for a good couple hours straight and when their bags were full and their little legs too tired to walk anymore, we headed home.
The highlights of the evening were Avery saying "Arrrrrrr" when you asked her what a pirate says and Kaden running up and down the street too excited to stick to any organized route for trick or treating. On the way home, Kaden said, "Oh.. I just LOVE Halloween!". They were so darn cute! I love celebrating the holidays through their eyes. It brings back all the excitement of being a kid again.... but in a much more fulfilling way!


Anonymous said...

they looked adorable! and those pics are so cute!!

Marinda said...

caden was sure cute with his green hair! i loved the pirate princess costume, too!

Ali said...

they look so stinkin cute i love it.

Mandy said...

I love those pictures Turia, they are so cute. WOndering how you are...hope all is well!