Monday, November 24, 2008

What A Weekend

This week was a little crazy for me. About 6 weeks ago I got called into the primary presidency and was told I would be in charge of writing the primary program. Writing a program for kids from the age of 4-11 is quite an interesting task. We have about 115 kids that are active. Trying to get each one of them a part and keep the program under 40 minutes was quite a task when the songs they sang took up about 20 minutes. Well... the program was Sunday and it went perfectly!! I am so grateful for all the people that helped manage chaos and especially the music leaders who did such an amazing job with those kids.
So if the primary program wasn't enough... I had a huge cake week. I had entered into a wedding cake competition for the Utah Chocolate Show. It was a really fun experience, but a lot of extra stress for such a busy weekend. The winner got $500 and guess what?????? drum roll please..... I didn't win.

I felt my cake was pretty darn creative and I was happy how it turned out, but the judges hated it. Yup.. they actually told me there was nothing about my cake they liked. They hated the concept of a chocolate fountain... they thought it was a terrible idea and I would have been judged a higher score without the fountain. (and they said this all to my face) So... I guess my chocolate fountain was not that great of idea. Oh well.... you win some - you lose some. Luckily... one of the judges did say she thought my cake tasted fabulous so at least that was something going for me. I'd hate to own a cake business and have crappy tasting cakes. (I guess I just have crappy looking cakes) -- ha, ha. Even though the judges didn't love my cake, I was still happy with it. I thought it was a fun idea.

My next couple cakes were not for competition.. but for clients. Luckily, I didn't get the same response from these two cakes. They were actually the opposite effect. Nothing makes creating a cake more rewarding than when you can see the excitement and emotion in people's faces. These two cakes had that effect. One cake was for a little girls birthday. I didn't get to deliver this one, but Brian said she kept wanting to hold it and she couldn't stop staring. I love it when that happens!!

My next cake was probably one of the funnest deliveries I have ever had. The party was for a ladies 75 birthday party that her kids threw for her. Her cake was decorated with figurines of all her grandkids doing things they were interested in and the birthday girl on top. It was so much fun to see all the family members come up and crowd me as I was putting all the figurines on the cake. They would say... "Oh look, it's you Sarah" "Hey, there are the twins", "Oh look at Hannah" etc, etc. Then all of a sudden I look behind me and I have about 6 people taking pictures of the cake and the birthday girl showing her guests her cake with her grandkids on it. Oh my gosh.. it was really fun. It's rewarding to do a cake when it's so customized to the client and they appreciate your work. It was a pleasant change from the judges of the cake competition.

(click on picture to see a larger image)

So... needless to say... this past week was insane and there were several sleepless nights. I was so grateful that all I had to do today was blog and hang out with my kids.


Natalie said...

I think both cakes are fabulous. The one with the grandkids is absolutely precious. I LOVE it!!

Joe and Marci said...

For the record, I love the chocolate fountain!! If I went to a wedding and saw that cake, I would definitely never forget it! What do the judges know anyway?
I need to have a party or something so I can order one of your beautiful cakes :)

Heather Ann said...

First of all, you did an AWESOME job on the primary program! I as many others we're VERY impressed! SO GOOD JOB!

Those cakes are all beautiful, I cannot believe the judges didn't like the fondue cake, how creative! I think you are VERY talented, I hope you will get some well needed rest this holiday weekend!

Annie said...

I was totally expecting you to say you won! Your cakes are lovely. How were you to know those judges were anti-chocolate fountain anyway? Bah Humbug to them and Hooray for the your birthday cake because you knew how to please a REAL client.

Anonymous said...

that cake RULES! those judges SUCK!!

Steph said...

Ok, I'm sorry, but what kind of drugs were those judges on? Those cakes look beautiful! I would love the one with the chocolate fountain....
By the way, thank you again so much for making the cakes for Russ's birthday party!! Everyone absolutely loved them! Great reviews there....

The Sohm's said...

Turia your cakes look awesome. I love the chocolate fountain I don't care what the judges say. You did an awesome job I LOVE IT!

Whitney said...

I really like your fountain cake. It is beautiful!!!Those judges don't know anything!!! You are so talented!!!

Autumn & Chris said...

You're amazing!!!! Thanks for all your hard work on the P program. Next, I've seen the cakes at the Chocolate show in years past and your's is amazing .... It should've placed at least. Your cakes are amazing. Have a great holiday.

The Bergers said...

oh turia, the cakes are amazing! I think you should of totally won! We missed you at the movie!;(

Noriane said...

I was amazed at how you always had a big smile for each kid who came up to the mike during the Primary program--way to handle stress in a graceful manner!

I love how beautiful the chocolate fondue cake looks, but these are my thoughts: do you have to eat or remove the strawberries before you can cut the cake? If you do, what's left under the strawberries might not look that presentable (because of the strawberry juice). That might be what the judges were thinking. Anyway, I think it looks fantastic and you definitely had the right theme going for this show, so tell those judges to shove it!

Tracie said...

I can't believe they would say that. I think it is a fabulous idea. I mean great cake, and a choc. fountain, what more could you want? They cake decorations were very beautiful as well. Keep up the good work.

The Sohm's said...

OH MY GOSH!! I have only one word AMAZING!! I can't believe all those people you made!! You did an awesome job!

Mandy said...

That cake is amazing Turia! What a talent. The dumb chocolate judges obviously don't like chocolate. It's beautiful.