Saturday, December 13, 2008

Brighton Discovered the Christmas Tree AND that he could GET to the tree!

Brighton doesn't get too many posts that are just dedicated to him. Call me a bad mom. But I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more posts on Bright due to the fact that he's figured out how to get where ever he wants and that usually equals into getting into trouble.
So, he's already 11 months old and he's still not crawling, but he has discovered the "army crawl". It is the cutest thing ever! He moves his little arms as he drags his lower body as fast as he can. Today he was in my bedroom and he heard my in Avery's room and pretty soon, he comes crawling in with a huge grin on his face. He thinks he's pretty cool now that he has a little Independence on his side.


The Bergers said...

I dont know whether to be happy or sad for you! ;) Just kidding... it does mean he'll be getting into more stuff but it is always good and totally fun to watch these little ones reach new mile stones!

Aaron and Krysti said...

Isn't that great when they start to move? Micah just turned one and only started crawling about 1 month ago as well. I figure, the less he moves the better. I have others to chase! Brighton is so cute, and your family is awesome. We love you guys! Merry Christmas.