Monday, October 26, 2009

A few thoughts on Motherhood

There are some things I will miss terribly when my kids grow up:
My kids asking if we can cuddle on the couch
My kids cuddling up to me as we read books
Their incredible imaginations
Their honesty and true goodness
All the time I get to spend with them... just us.
Princess dresses
Capes, Swords, Mario costumes
Toddler Lingo
Huge hugs
The words.. "Mommy" with open arms running towards me when I come home
Asking for permission for everything
A Quiet house at 8:00 pm (ahhhhhhh)
Movie nights with popcorn watching Curious George
  The list goes on and on......

Things I Won't Miss When My Kids are Older.....
"Mom... come and wipe me!"
 ..... wiping buts over and over again
"Mom.. I have to go poop"  (like I have to give them permission)
 Sacrament Meeting with toddlers
 Fake Cries, Temper Tantrums for no apparent reason
 (hmmmm... thought I'd have more things I would miss when I thought about writing this blog... nothings really coming to mind right now... These years are pretty darn priceless).

1 comment:

Eric and Suzanne said...

so TRUE, SO true. That's why we have to cherish every moment! Yet, it's so fun to see how fast these little kiddoes grow up, and how much they change! I love it. :)

P.S. So glad to see you blogging again tree! I've missed your posts!