Saturday, March 19, 2011


A few years ago we had one of our most proud parenting moments.  The kids wouldn't eat their dinner so Brian brought out the blow torch and threatened to burn their favorite toys if they didn't eat.  (See the full story here)

Today, we had another one of those parenting moments.  OKAY. OKAY. It might seem mean, but it's kinda funny too.  Whatever works!!!  Sometimes you just go into survival mode when it comes to trying to take care of 4 kids who aren't listening to you.

Here's the story.
Brighton LOVES. LOVES. LOVES his "guankey" (blankie). He doesn't go anywhere without it... especially to bed.
Well, tonight (like many other nights) this little dude would not stay in bed.  He kept getting up over and over again.  He'd turn on his lights and we'd hear Kade and Bright laughing. Several times of getting after them, Brian went down and turned off the power in their room.  If they can't keep the lights out, we'll just have to help them out a bit.
That didn't work. Bright came in and told us his light is broken and it needed batteries.  (He wasn't getting the discipline tactics at all!)  We finally had to get mean. We brought out the big guns. Brian told him we'd have to take "guankey" away if he didn't stop getting up.

Well, he got up.

So did his "guankey" (with a little help from daddy)

He didn't think it was very funny.

Kaden heard him crying and came out to try and rescue his brother from this terrible trauma in his life.
As hard as they tried, I still don't think they will reach it.
"Guankey" is officially in time out till the morning.

To all our kids:
Before you tell me what a bad mom and dad we are,
Just wait... Someday you will do something similar.  
It's moments like this that are some of the great joys of being a parent.  
You do whatever works at that moment. If your lucky, it will be really funny in a sadistic sort of way. 
(just make sure to stop and take pictures!)
We really do love you guys...... really! 

1 comment:

Shumway Adventures said...

Seriously funny! I like Kaden Helping out!! That is super funny! Love the pictures!