Thursday, March 24, 2011

self control experiment 1

it's time for an experiment
I have realized the last little bit that all the things about myself that I struggle with all stems back to having no self control.

I eat what I want. I clean when I want. I shop when I want. I pray when I want. I play with my kids when I want.... etc. etc. etc.
It all boils down to the fact that I have a bunch of kids that I'm the boss for, but no one is my boss.  I have no one that I have to report to.  It's not a good thing for me.
Im a rule based learner.  I succeed and push myself when I know there is someone that will be checking in on my progress.  It's not that I need to be babysat through life, I just need to figure out how to let my better, more focused and inspired self be my boss.  I need to learn that within MYSELF I can gain the self control to overcome weaknesses and bad habits.
Soooooo.... I've decided to challenge myself to several "Self Control Experiments" over the course of this year.  In doing so, I hope to prove to myself that I have power to control the good things in my life and not let laziness have all the power.
I may not look lazy on the outer appearances with 4 little kids, having my own business and being in the primary presidency, but I am lazy with the things that matter most in growing as an individual.
I'm "lazy" in that I don't take time to go to the gym
I'm "lazy" because I let my kids watch hours of tv because it's easier
I'm "lazy" with saying my prayers because I'm too tired
I'm "lazy" so I don't read my scriptures.
I'm "lazy" to think of healthy things to cook for dinner, so I always fall back on eating out or fast unhealthy foods I can cook in minutes.
The list could go on and on.... but I don't want to focus on that anymore. I want to focus on the thought that I CAN overcome my lack of motivation to be better.  I know it will be hard, but I'm ready for the challenge. I just think I need to prove to myself that I can have self control over small and simple things, and in doing that I can overcome anything.

So, my first Self Control Experiment for 2011 is.........
No Television during the week. Only on Saturday Night.  Nothing on Sunday.

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