Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Today was a GREAT day!!
Almost 4 months ago, we had a pretty sad boy when we went to Karate graduation and he didn't get his orange belt.  Tonight was a different story.  But a story worth more than any color of belt.

When Kaden didn't get his orange belt, he was sad. I was sad. But it taught him (and me) a valuable lesson.  The lesson is that things don't come easy in life. Not for a 7 year old boy. Not for a mom.  As a parent, you hurt when your kids hurts, but you need to encourage them to grow and stand taller when their confidence is shattered. 
When we went to karate tonight, Kaden was quiet and reserved.  He always bites his cheeks when he's nervous.  He didn't do much during the karate activities prior to the awards ceremony. I could tell he was worried that he hadn't gotten it.  The difference with this graduation vs the one a few weeks ago, was that he had worked his tail off to know all the moves.  He knew it wouldn't come easy. He knew he had to work hard to earn his belt.  When he was presented with his new belt, a smile of great pride and happiness filled his face. He ran over to Brian and I and gave us a hug... right infront of the whole group.  He KNEW he deserved this. He worked hard for it and this time, it was worth so much more!!

I guess the lesson I learned is that sometimes when our kids struggle, as much as it hurts us, they will become stronger. They will appreciate things more. They will find themselves in a way they hadn't before.  Even as small as a 7 year old boy, I KNOW Kaden learned alot from not earning his karate belt when he first wanted to, but I also know the reward for earning it the second time around meant so much more to him than anything else he has ever done.

Way to go buddy. We are so proud of you!

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