Wednesday, November 2, 2011

306/365 & Thankful Day 2

Today was the first time this little guy got in trouble. He was pulling things out of the pantry and spilling them on the floor.

Look what happened when I said, "Connor, NO!"
He literally looked up at me, quivered his lip and started bawling! It was hilarious! We are so abusive can you tell?

I'm thankful for not taking life so seriously that I can be ok with yelling at my kid AFTER I had already gotten mad at him so I could get his reaction on film.  (yes, I went and grabbed my camera, and then made him cry again by yelling at him so I could get this shot!... you caught me!)

1 comment:

Jon and Emily said...

It was worth it! It's a great shot! :) But I do think you're a bad mom now (hee hee)