Saturday, December 17, 2011


The fun started early today as I headed over to Tiffani's house for our annual "Ugly Sweater/Christmas Sock exchange Brunch" If I can say anything about this neighborhood, it would be two things.
1) We are really good at serving and helping eachother
2) We are GREAT at partying!!!
We love any excuse to get together with the girls and party party party!! The ugly sweater party is super fun. We all dress up in our ugliest sweaters and head out for a couple of kid free hours to act goofy among friends and eat a bunch of yummy food.
This year, I was crowned the "Queen of the Ugly Sweaters"! I was so proud. I have never worked for anything harder in my life.  I think the winning piece of my outfit was the chimney hat with the feet coming out of the top. (the picture doesn't show it very good) But it was pure genius I tell you. Pure Genius!!!
As you can see in the picture, I shared the crown with my good friend Jen.  This is a TERRIBLE picture of me (no make up... not even looking at the camera....lovely.. just lovely) I very rarely get my picture taken and this is the one that ends up on my blog! Luckily, it helps prove how awesome you had to look to win the contest. :)
 All of us lovely ladies in our super "AWESOME" sweaters.
Thanks Tiff for a great party!

So now I hold the crown for a whole year.  I've already got great ideas in store for next years party so you all better watch out.. I just might keep the crown for another year!

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