Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Kid the Movie Star

Kaden has been in two different commercials the last couple months. Not for any reason, but my friends and family needed kids and he was available. Don't worry.. I'm not adding "stage mom" to my list of to-do's anytime soon.
But he is adorable all the same.

Check out Kaden being the perfect patient at our friends dental office. If you don't have a pediatric dentist.. GO SEE THEM! They are awesome and their office is so cute.


jen said...

turia this is so awesome! thanks for the link:) he was a PERFECT model!!

Becky said...

Kaden must have got the acting bug from his mom as well as being so photogenic! Cute ad! That dental office looks so fun.

Shumway Adventures said...

so cute! is this on tv too? Wow he is really too big!

The Sohm's said...

SO CUTE!! I didn't know he did that? so fun!

Steph said...

That was so great! He did a good job!

Jana Sohm said...

He is quite the movie star! Turia, you did great too! I hope you got a free toothbrush out of it!