Sunday, December 11, 2011


I wish I had a picture of the kids giving their tithing to the bishop today, but I didn't think it would be very appropriate to be photographing our tithing settlement.

who knows.. maybe I'll re-inact it for the picture!

Now that Kaden is 8 years old, we felt like it was time he started paying tithing.  We've had a couple little lessons about it this past year, but today it sank in.  It was a neat afternoon.  The kids counted all their money and we helped them figure out what 10% of their income would be.

Final Tally:
Kaden-  $4.74
Avery-  $   .31

They filled out their own tithing slips and gave their envelopes to the bishop. It was a neat moment for me to see them happy to give and understanding that their money helps builds temples and churches.  Bishop Ghiz spent most of the time talking to the kids about how important it was that we give back to our Heavenly Father.  He had play money and had the kids count it and divide it into what went back to the Lord.  Kaden, Avery and Brighton were sitting across from the bishop and watching him so intently. (To be totally honest... Bright was being super good because he was next to the candy and he knew if he was good he would get a treat at the end!) It was a crazy moment for me to realize that we were these guys parents. It is our responsibility to teach them and bring them closer to the Savior.  It made me look to the future a few years and wonder how they will be.  Will they still be happy to give back to the Lord? Will they love to serve? Will they have a testimony?  I pray with all my heart that they do.

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