Saturday, December 31, 2011


The BEST New Years Party EVER!!!

This year was probably my favorite new years party since I can remember.  We decided to chill at home with our kids.  It was so much fun to just be together without distractions or any type of agenda.  The kids were wired! They were so excited for our party! We had blow horns, fireworks, pop its, a "buffet" breakfast (that was Kaden's request), games, movies and everything! 

We had a wii competition. Avery and I totally lost on Mario Kart, but that's ok... we did way better at bowling. 
We had french toast, eggs, pancakes, oranges, apples, pop tarts, orange juice, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, white chocolate popcorn and bacon... Whew!! What a buffet!
We did fireworks.
We watched Home Movies.
We danced and screamed Happy New Year!!

I love my little family so much. I want to have family "in" nights more often.  I loved being able to party with the 5 most favorite people in my life! 

and the biggest part of the night???
We even got rides on daddy's new toy... or should I re-phrase that by saying, Daddy's new Baby!! 
(I told him he lost a few "cool" points by having his first ride be in khacki's.... but what do you do?... love ya babe!)

Yep.... he got it a couple weeks ago, but couldn't pick it up till today.  Brian was sooooo giddy!!! 
I'm excited and nervous at the same time for his motorcycle, but he's so excited, I can't help but be happy for him.  (The kids are pretty stoked too!.. don't worry grandparents... They won't be riding it out of the neighborhood)

And could this kid get any cuter???? Hilarious!!

Friday, December 30, 2011


This year has brought just the right amount of cakes for me.  Not too many that I felt overwhelmed, but just enough to give us some extra cash.  

Here's to my very last cake of 2011!!!! 

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Last wedding cake of the year.  Bummer it was the same week of Christmas, but I think it turned out pretty.

Monday, December 26, 2011


This little guy got a second wind.
It's about midnight and I'm up working on cakes and this one is up making messes.  He loves to open drawers and pull out anything he can possibly reach.

It's his favorite past time. (anytime- day or night it seems)

Friday, December 23, 2011


With my life as it is now with 4 children, (aka-- crazy town), I often find myself looking at my life through a mothers perspective.... aka--what my parents did for us to create "memories".

Tonight we wanted to do something to get in the Christmas mood so we decided to take the kids to Temple Square.  Have you ever had a great idea but when it came down to actually doing it, it just didn't feel worth it?  Ya, tonight was one of those nights.
By the time we got in the car, the kids were grouchy and didn't even want to go, Brian and I were a little more impatient with them than we should have been because we didn't really want to go either, but we felt like we needed to go for the "experience".  At one point, Brian and I were talking about how we realized that there had to have been so many times where our parents were trying to do fun things for our families and they really didn't want to do it, but kept a happy face for the kids.   We were joking around and said,  "We are going to go see the Christmas lights and we are going to LIKE them!!!" (We had to keep saying that to ourselves, because the night just got crazier)
We finally got downtown and the kids were cold before we even walked to the church office building, but luckily we had gloves and hats to go around. Trying to keep track of 4 kids in a busy, crowded open space is beyond what I would call fun, but it's part of the experience, right?
So our trip to Temple Square went a bit like this. Please tell me others can relate and I'm not the only one who felt like it was way more work than it was worth.
1) kids were cold (yep, we already talked about that one)
2) Kaden had his camera with him so he decided to stop and take pictures of every single group of lights on ever single tree we walked past.
3) Brighton would stop and look at every little light on the ground and he's so small he kept getting lost in the crowds. He was usually just a person or two behind us, but it was still stressful trying to keep him holding my hand.
4) Avery just kept twirling around in circles in the middle of the crowded area's oblivious to the hundreds of people all around her trying walk.
5) Connor had it easy and actually loved all the lights. He just chilled on Brian's shoulders the whole time.

By the time we finally left (I think we went through all of Temple Square in a record time of about 30 minutes), I was stressed with making sure all the kids didn't get lost or run in the middle of the busy roads I couldn't wait for them to all get home and get to bed.

But here's the kicker... you know when I said earlier that I was having one of those moments that I felt like how my parents probably felt when they were doing things for the "experience"?  With all the fun things I did as a kid... I never knew my parents were stressed, tired or didn't really want to go to the trouble. All I knew is that we always did really cool things together as a family.

The reality of tonight is that it's come full circle.  My kids had no idea that this outing a pretty big pain in the rear, all they know is that is was a super fun night out with their family.  Kids aren't supposed to see the adults perspective on life.... infact, I wish I didn't see the adults perspective most of the time. We need to learn from them and enjoy moment to moment... forget about the cold, or that we are just rushing through to get it done, and stop and take time to twirl in the streets, take pictures of the lights and stop to enjoy the little specks in the pavement.  No worries. No stresses. Just living life without a care in the world. It's pretty awesome. I need to learn more from these little kids of mine.  They have it all right.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


It's gotten a little funny around here.  Neighbor gifts are in full swing and we seem to have 3 or 4 gifts on our doorstep every time we come home.
When we are home, the kids rush to the door to see what treat has come our way, I usually hear Avery yell back to them as she is shutting the door, "Merry Christmas!!! Thank you (and she'll name whoever brought us a gift)"

Tonight we came home and we didn't have any treats on our doorstep.  Brighton ran to the front door, and came back with his head bowed, a little lower lip puckering action going on and he came and told me, "MOM, no one left any treats for us tonight!"
Oh my goodness, I know I should have used that opportunity to teach him about not expecting things all the time, but I was laughing too hard at his little face. He looked so flippin cute slouching with a little pout and dragging his feet into the kitchen.  It makes me laugh just thinking about it.  I wish I would have had my camera to take a picture. Soooo funny! It made my night.  So thanks a bunch neighbors!!!  You disappointed my kid tonight! Geez!!  (But at least I got a laugh out of it)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Last night was neighbor gifts, tonight was the gifts the kids made for their friends and cousins. This was so much fun! The kids and I had a blast putting these cookie making kits together, and even more fun giving them away. Tonight was one of my favorite nights of the month so far.

It was quite a night.  24 cookie boxes put together and delivered!! Whew!! What a night!

Kaden thought I was pretty goofy making him re-enact giving his gift.  I think it's hilarious.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Here's our Christmas Card for 2011.. I think it turned out darling! Not too hard when you've got such darling kids!!!

Now that I finally got my cards printed, tonight we went out and passed out treats to a bunch of my neighbors for Christmas. I love that my kids still enjoy running up to all the houses and wishing them a merry Christmas! They are so cute!

I gave out a kit to make Kool Aid Play Dough with this little poem attached to it.  A little cheezy, I know, but I tend to get that way every once in a while.

The years gone by as fast as can be,
Before we know it, it will be 2030!
Instead of diapers and homework running our lives,
We’ll be planning missions, weddings, and our sons will have wives!

Lets not forget these most wonderful years
When missing a toy at bedtime is all that they fear.
As we get older, our kids do so as well,
So make each moment a story they can tell.
A cry. A smile. A hug or a kiss,
Treasure this year and enjoy all the bliss.
Take the time to laugh and to play,
Because all the chaos will soon fade away.

I love the words of Presiden Uchdorf:
“We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant,
 lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most. “ 
I pray that this holiday season you make the time to focus on what matters most and enjoy the life we are so lucky to live right now.
 We are blessed and thankful everyday  to have you all as wonderful friends.  Thank you for all you do for our family.

Merry Christmas,
Love, The Larsens

Sunday, December 18, 2011


We had the Larsen Christmas party tonight.  It was a wonderful night as always. John and Shauna go to so much work to make it a fun and special night for everyone.  This is probably my very favorite night we have with Brian's family all year long.  The kids anticipate it for weeks, everyone is so happy and excited to be with eachother and the cousins sit and play with their new toys in their new jammies for hours.  It's pure chaos, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
One of these years I need to get a picture of the way we (as in the adults) get to open our present from John and Shauna.  Every year, John goes to the bank and gets a hundred bucks for each couple (this year two hundred! Wow.. thank you so much!!) in the smallest bills he can get. He then proceeds to roll each bill up in a tiny roll, hook them to ribbons, shove them in a cardboard tube and put poppers inside one end of the tube.  One the count of 3, each couple pulls the string as confetti and popping sounds fill the air as we retrieve our cash. It's a fun tradition and I think John enjoys it as much as we do.  He is such a kid at heart. He loves giving gifts... he lights up everytime.  I know he and Shauna put alot of thought into every gift they give and I'm so grateful for them.
The night was wonderful.  Family, Gifts, New Jammies, Laughter and of course.... Santa Claus!
I came home tonight and started thinking about how blessed I am to have the two families that I have.  Not only do I have a wonderful family that I grew up with, but I have this amazing family I married into.  Each family (my own and Brian's) enriches my life in different ways.  Larsen's love to have fun and remind me in the importance of tradition as they have special things each year that we do together as a family.  They teach me love and simplicity as they don't really need anything fancy or great... their family is all they need to be happy.  They teach me to be happy and excited to see those you care about and to always show them that love (yes....I'm talking about the big smiles and hugs we get every time we see them. We all know I'm not a hugger, but I'm getting better!) As I came home from this Christmas party, I couldn't help get a little teary as I thought about how grateful I am for Brian's family.  They are wonderful people. I am grateful to have them be apart of my life. It was such a great night! Thank you for a super fun Christmas celebration.

Check out this crazy crew!

I LOVE this picture. The kids were lost in the story Santa was telling them about always believing in the magic of Christmas.  This is what it's all about. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011


The fun started early today as I headed over to Tiffani's house for our annual "Ugly Sweater/Christmas Sock exchange Brunch" If I can say anything about this neighborhood, it would be two things.
1) We are really good at serving and helping eachother
2) We are GREAT at partying!!!
We love any excuse to get together with the girls and party party party!! The ugly sweater party is super fun. We all dress up in our ugliest sweaters and head out for a couple of kid free hours to act goofy among friends and eat a bunch of yummy food.
This year, I was crowned the "Queen of the Ugly Sweaters"! I was so proud. I have never worked for anything harder in my life.  I think the winning piece of my outfit was the chimney hat with the feet coming out of the top. (the picture doesn't show it very good) But it was pure genius I tell you. Pure Genius!!!
As you can see in the picture, I shared the crown with my good friend Jen.  This is a TERRIBLE picture of me (no make up... not even looking at the camera....lovely.. just lovely) I very rarely get my picture taken and this is the one that ends up on my blog! Luckily, it helps prove how awesome you had to look to win the contest. :)
 All of us lovely ladies in our super "AWESOME" sweaters.
Thanks Tiff for a great party!

So now I hold the crown for a whole year.  I've already got great ideas in store for next years party so you all better watch out.. I just might keep the crown for another year!

Friday, December 16, 2011


We normally have late over on Fridays but it was moved to tomorrow so the kids and I had a night at home while Brian was at work tonight.
It was pretty much like late over without the cousins.

fun dinner.
movie in our jammies.
popcorn.  (we always have to have popcorn)
stay up later than usual.
having fun together.

I love spending time with my kids.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Avery had her mini holiday dance performance today. They do a HUGE show in the spring, but today was just a cute little dance during her class.  Her teacher's name is Ms. Kaylynn.  She is DARLING!!!
She teaches them so much and you can tell she loves teaching.  The cute scarf Avery is wearing is from her teacher.  Ms. Kaylynn had a Santa hat on today that she said she got from her very first dance teacher and it had meant so much to her, so she wanted to have a special gift for her little class so they could remember that she loved them. HOW CUTE IS THAT???

Avery did a great job today. She loves going to dance.  I love watching her.  She is always smiling, always happy and so very social!! Aves... I love you so much! Great job today!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Nothing too important to report today except to say I think this kid is the cutest baby on the planet. 
Look at those eyes!!! 

Love you Connor!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



Why is this post in a purple font you ask?????
Well, someone earned his PURPLE belt!!!! 

He was so excited. He couldn't stop smiling! I was so proud of him.  He worked hard for this.  When he got his belt, he ran over to me and Brian and gave us huge hugs before he ran back to where he needed to sit with his class. I had gone over by him to take a picture when he was doing the ceremonial "changing of the belt". I tried to get his picture and all he kept saying was, "I gotta go show dad!!!.... I gotta go show dad!!!"

Way to go Kaden!! 
We Love You Sooooo much!

(this is kade running to show Brian.. you can just see how excited he is)

Monday, December 12, 2011


(picture coming soon)

Tonight was our annual Sohm Family Service Project.  We try to do 3 or 4 a year, but the Christmas one is always the most fun.  
We've tried many different service projects over the years. We've helped out at the food bank, we've done many things at Primary Children's, we've helped different charities, but this year we decided to something fun for the people around our own area.  
Each family made some soup and bread and chose someone they felt was in need of a meal.. or a little extra love this Christmas.  Then, as a family we went to each house and gave the the soup as we sang at their doorstep.  It was really fun to have each of us have a special connection with one of the people we were serving, and then fun to introduce all 28 of us singing at their door! I'm sure we were a bit of a sight to behold!! 
I gave our soup to a family in our ward that lives in some apartments near my house. They live on the 2nd floor and we filled up the small landing to her door and then continued all the way down the stairs! I'm sure the whole apartment building heard us singing! It was fun though. I think everyone had a fun time, and the kids got to be with their cousins.... that's always the highlight of any of our get togethers. The first question from Kaden's mouth anytime I say we are going to grandma's is, "Are we going to be with Riley and Garrett?"  They LOVE their cousins.  I'm glad we all enjoy being with one another. I have a great family. 

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I wish I had a picture of the kids giving their tithing to the bishop today, but I didn't think it would be very appropriate to be photographing our tithing settlement.

who knows.. maybe I'll re-inact it for the picture!

Now that Kaden is 8 years old, we felt like it was time he started paying tithing.  We've had a couple little lessons about it this past year, but today it sank in.  It was a neat afternoon.  The kids counted all their money and we helped them figure out what 10% of their income would be.

Final Tally:
Kaden-  $4.74
Avery-  $   .31

They filled out their own tithing slips and gave their envelopes to the bishop. It was a neat moment for me to see them happy to give and understanding that their money helps builds temples and churches.  Bishop Ghiz spent most of the time talking to the kids about how important it was that we give back to our Heavenly Father.  He had play money and had the kids count it and divide it into what went back to the Lord.  Kaden, Avery and Brighton were sitting across from the bishop and watching him so intently. (To be totally honest... Bright was being super good because he was next to the candy and he knew if he was good he would get a treat at the end!) It was a crazy moment for me to realize that we were these guys parents. It is our responsibility to teach them and bring them closer to the Savior.  It made me look to the future a few years and wonder how they will be.  Will they still be happy to give back to the Lord? Will they love to serve? Will they have a testimony?  I pray with all my heart that they do.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


We had our Ward Christmas party this morning and guess who came to visit???

HO. HO. HO!!!

 Kaden:  "Santa, I want a Nintendo DS and Spy Gear for Christmas"

Avery:  "Santa, I want a tv in my room, an ipod and a laptop"
(haaaa, ya right... do you remember you are only 5?)

Brighton:  "Santa, I want Thomas and trains"

Connor:  "Santa, I want to grab your white fluffy beard!!"

Friday, December 9, 2011


I haven't had a real date night with Brian for over a year! It was late over tonight so we shipped the kids off to Eric and Jenni's. Since Connor isn't quite big enough to go to late over yet, we got him his own babysitter. He's crashed our dates for a year now, but no crashing tonight! He wasn't invited.

It was so fun to just hang out with Brian without any distractions. We had a yummy meal at Texas Roadhouse then we went and played mini golf where I got spanked! Oh my gosh, I did terrible.  I think he beat me by about 20 holes.  Next time I will crush him! :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011


My best helper today was Brighton the Puppy.
Yep.... he picked up every single train with his mouth and barking while on his hands and knees.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today was my first time teaching the scouts.  This is going to be a really fun calling.  I'm so happy to be able to be there with Kade ever week.  It's the perfect age. Even though there are nine 8 year old boys, they are at that cue age when they are still so excited to be in scouts.  They aren't too obnoxious yet, and most of them are Kaden's buddies.  Pretty cool combination.  Kaden was so excited for me to come with him tonight. Last night he asked me if he could help plan our activity. He's going to be a great helper.

So, I had no clue what I was doing. All I knew was that I had to do something centered around the monthly theme of respect.  I found an activity where they could earn a belt loop if they learned "manners".  They did better than I ever imagined they would! They were so good! Not even too wild! I was proud of them.
I decided to set a table and give them pizza, peaches, a cookie and some green beans. Water or Apple Juice to drink.
They had to learn how to eat correctly (which foods you use forks and which you can eat with your hands), they had to ask for things politely, and say please and thank you. They had to take at least one bite of everything....even the things they didn't like! They were so darn cute! I wish I had a video camera to show off how darling they were eating their food in their little cub scout uniforms. I have never heard a room full of 8 year olds so quiet and respectful (I probably won't ever again either!).
I taught them how to shake hands with adults and how to introduce themselves by shaking hands and looking them in the eye as they said it was nice to meet them.  They did a great job. It's going to be to be their leader.

(update from a week later)
The best part was that I saw one of my scouts a few days later and I went to say hi to him and he stuck
out his hand to shake my hand!!!! I was so excited!! They actually learned and had fun doing it.
I felt the night was pretty successful.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Great news!!!!

Today was a glorious day. Kaden and Avery in school. Brighton at preschool. Connor taking a nap while they were all away.
                                                          It was HEAVEN!

I love my kids. I really do. But I REALLY love my alone time!!!

And the other good news?
Kaden totally rocked his Karate test tonight! I'm so proud of him. Next week is graduation. I hope he gets his purple belt. He deserves it. He's worked hard to know all his moves.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I was sooooooooooooooo excited for them to back to school after a three week break.  Today was supposed to be the day.
All four kids have been coughing up a lung.
Kaden has thrown up twice.
Now he's got the runs........

Why does this always happen the day they are supposed to go back on track?
WHY????, WHY????,WHY????

Sunday, December 4, 2011


We've been trying to deal with sick kids today. Connor had been a bear all week long. Poor guy can't get over a slight fever and nasty cold.
Now the other kids seem to be getting the same thing.
The cutest thing about today is that I came into the family room to see these guys on the couch watching a movie.  I didn't put him there. Bright must have pulled Connor up himself so they could cuddle.  Geez, you can just tell Connor feels yucky... poor little guy.

Good thing he has such a sweet brother.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Today has been on of those days that was a whole lot of running around but not getting anything really accomplished.  I seem to have those kind of days alot.
I really need to get my life organized and get control of it a little better. In my heart I want to be an organized mom where menu's are planned, work outs actually happen, schedules are set, homework and reading time is priority and time is not wasted...... but the reality of it is....  my brain and body obviously don't talk to my heart very often because they don't agree on the above mentioned "lifestyle" habits my heart wants to achieve.  
How to I get them in-sync? 
Any Ideas? 

I need some serious butt kicking to get my life back in order so I can be the best mom and wife I am meant to be. 

Friday, December 2, 2011


Friday nights are usually set aside for Date Nights, but tonight it was craft night instead! 
The kids had late over at Tyler and Jana's and Brian had to work, so that left me to fend for myself! One of my neighbors planned a craft night, so I invited Callee to hang with me and we "crafted"! We had such a fun night.  There were about 8 of my friends hanging out working on Christmas gifts, talking, drinking yummy italian soda's and of course eating! 
I've got the coolest neighborhood with the neatest people.  As I was hanging out with them watching some sew, some just chatting away and others on the cricut cutting machine, I realized how much I appreciate the women in my life.  I value the friendships I've made while living here. I enjoy being around people who are raising children some older, some younger than my own. I love having the church as a common ground for us to fall back on.  It was so fun to be with all of them, but especially to be there with my sister. We don't ever get to just hang out.  I wish we did it more often.  
I hope that someday she will live in a neighborhood just as incredible as this one is for me.  One that will have women going through life's stages the same as her. A neighborhood where they will watch their kids grow up together and see friendships evolve and grow over trials and hardships as well as parties and Girl Night Outs.  It's one of my greatest joys of being here in Bluffdale for me. I love the people I'm surrounded with every day of my life. I love the kids my children are surrounded by every day. The women in Springview Farms are some of the dearest friends I have ever had. I can't wait for Callee to experience that someday. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Last night was my final "Thankful" post.  It was a little weird to not post something I'm thankful for today. As I took this little challenge, I learned something very valuable. I learned that when you are intentionally finding things you are thankful for, it is then when you start to realize there are so many things in your life you have been blessed with.
I tried to find some of the daily things that touched me on that particular day, but now that the month is over, I realize just how much more I have to be thankful for.  I have been given so much. I have been blessed with amazing people in my life. I thank my Heavenly Father for circumstances in which I have been born into and the great blessings I have in my life.
All I can say is THANK YOU! I guess the bottom line is what I'm thankful for the very most is that I am a daughter of God. HE is my Father. HE has given me all of this. HE has trusted me to live my best life and teach those under my care.  HE will continue to love me and have faith in me even when I screw up. HE is why I have so much to be thankful in the first place.  I love my Savior. I love my Heavenly Father.
In my most humblest prayer, I bow down and thank THEE for everything that I have.

(here's just a few other things I didn't get to write about that I'm so thankful for)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

332/365 & Thankful Day 28

If you can believe it, her second tooth came out two days later! Wow... this girl is going to be toothless before the new year!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

324/365 & Thankful Day 20

I got released from primary today got called to be the wolf leader.  I have to admit, my first reaction was a little disappointment.  I don't know why, I guess it just took me by surprise.. I hadn't even thought that I would be in with the cub scouts.  A bunch of wild 8 year old boys trying to entertain them each week?  Listening to the obnoxious cub scout cheers on a weekly basis? Ahhhhh! I don't know if I can handle it!!

Then in one split second, my attitude changed.  

I came in and told Kaden that I would be his new scout leader.  His face lit up, he gave me a hug and could not stop smiling.  He then said, "Now you get to come with me every week! You never have to miss pack meeting!" 
On Sunday, He told all his friends in primary (woops... guess I should have told him it was a secret), then when the sustained me in church, he leaned over with that same lit up face, cuddled up to me and said, "Mom, I'm going to sit by you every week!"

It's all worth it. One little boy made it all worth it.  I am going to LOVE this calling.